Mike S. Miller worked on one of the most famous DC Comics offerings in recent years, Injustice, a spinoff of the video game with an evil justice league. Now, DC Comics refuses to acknowledge him on the cover of their recent compendium edition.
Conservatives and Christians are persona non grata in the comic book industry, with blacklisting happening any time it becomes known a creator worships Christ or votes for Donald Trump. The hatred of anyone thinking differently than the corporate hivemind has been exposed in recent years, and Mike S. Miller was one of the first artists to fall victim to it.
“Jesus promised us there would be [antagonism]. If they hated him, they would hate us. As the industry moves farther and farther to the left, they stand more against the traditional beliefs of the Christian faith. Add into that the squeaky wheel of left thinking ‘social justice warriors’ who feel they absolutely must report anyone who denies their Social Marxist agenda to the publishers… It’s safe to say that there is an antagonism toward anyone willing to speak up for the traditional doctrines of Christianity,” Mike S. Miller said in an interview with Bleeding Fool in 2021.
He blames the current state of the industry on Trump Derangement Syndrome, saying, “It got really bad when Trump was elected. Trump Derangement Syndrome is actually a thing. The mainstream media successfully programmed left-leaning people into believing that if you were a conservative and you voted for Trump, you were a Nazi. I had family say they were scared of me. Say they wouldn’t talk to me. All because of TDS. And that bled over into any conservative out there. The brainwashing, the lies told about Trump and his supporters by the media, and spread through social media have brought us to the brink of civil war. That mindset is as firmly set in the left-leaning publishers and editors at the big companies as it is anywhere else.”
Since his time being blacklisted, the left has tried to hurt his business by sending letters to comic conventions to get him canceled for appearances. In 2018, he was blacklisted and removed as a guest from Grand Rapids Comic Con because of his outspoken efforts.
Despite these setbacks, Mike S. Miller hasn’t let the industry slow him down. He created an incredible property with Lonestar, a book that has garnered hundreds of thousands of dollars in sales, and worked with popular YouTuber Shad M. Brooks on his Shadow Of The Conqueror fantasy graphic novel, which raised over $600,000.
Mike S. Miller was best known for his work on DC Comics’ Injustice, written by Tom Taylor, as one of the regular artists on the book spinning out of the incredibly popular video game. The Injustice comic has seen multiple prints, including an omnibus edition, and now a compendium.
But with the compendium edition, they left Mike S. Miller’s name off the cover. The artist posted to his X account saying, “Just got the new #INJUSTICEgodsamongus compendium in the mail @DCOfficial left my name off the cover, even though I drew nearly a third of this book. That's INJUSTICE.”
Bruno Redondo is listed on the cover credits, and though Mike S. Miller is listed right under him in the interior, DC Comics didn’t give him cover billing.
This isn’t the first time Mike S. Miller failed to receive credits for his work on Injustice. On The DC Animation movie adaptation, he also was not listed in the credits for his work on th comic book, though the other major contributors were listed as well.
With a recent Battletech anthology failing to list conservative creator Blaine Pardoe on Amazon, it seems a new trend for corporations to try to erase conservative creators from existence by not crediting for their work on public platforms.
DC Comics is already in dire straits going “All In” with their recent identity politics, having sunk their book sales before the relaunch. How much more insult can they give to conservative creators and fans before they finally go under?
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