DC Comics Hires Transgender Creative Team of Sophie Campbell and Tamra Bonvillain For New Supergirl Comic
Supergirl has been a character DC Comics hasn’t seemed to know what to do with, but in recent years, it’s been a throwaway title dedicated to woke activism. Now, transgender activist Sophie Campbell, who introduced the female Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle to IDW Publishing, has been hired to write and draw Kara Zor El’s title.
It seems like DC Comics has never known what to do with the character of Supergirl. There has rarely been any time in the comic company’s history where the character had any consistency. In the Silver Age, Kara was drawn in a cartoony, childish fashion meant for little kids.
When they first gave Supergirl a title, they aged her up to college in a short-lived series. Soon after, they relaunched another college-age title where they moved her across state lines in The Daring Adventures of Supergirl, a book that was probably Supergirl at her best, though it was soon canceled because of Crisis On Infinite Earth, killing the character and removing her from continuity.
When Supergirl was brought back, it was done in John Byrne’s famous run on Superman, and she wasn’t Kara, but a shapeshifting alien called Matrix who took the identity as her own. Peter David followed up on the character for nearly 100 issues, developing Matrix as Supergirl, the most consistent we’ve ever seen on the character.
Jeph Loeb brought the original Kara, cousin of Superman, back in the Superman / Batman title with art and design by Michael Turner, an immensely popular design that eventually spawned her own series. However, this series couldn’t seem to keep writers or artists for long, constantly jumbling and changing tone.
Another relaunch came with the New 52, redoing her crash to earth and appearance again. This version of Kara lasted for a couple of years before again shifting teams, but in this iteration, wokeness started to seep in with a clearly lesbian sidekick who was introduced.
In subsequent iterations with DC Rebirth, Supergirl infamously introduced her “non-binary friend,” adding more woke insanity to a title that was canceled soon after.
For a further tone shift once that travesty ended, Tom King took the character for another miniseries. He inserted her into a space version of True Grit where Kara was drunk, depressed, and seeking purpose in life through a revenge plot. It didn’t make sense for the character, and this is what James Gunn is using to develop his film.
The most recent title to bear her name was done by Mariko Tamaki, another whiny self-insert about self-doubt and imposter syndrome in one of the most unreadable comics DC Comics has produced in recent years.
DC has trouble with the character. They don’t seem to want to present an optimistic young blonde girl who looks up to her male counterpart's cousin. Something subversive always has to be done with the character, and enter Sophie Campbell, a man pretending to be a woman in comics who they hired for a new upcoming run on the character as they are relaunching Supergirl once again.
Sophie Campbell is known for turning a beloved run on Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles into a woke nightmare, introducing a fifth female turtle to the mix as they could not leave well enough alone. Her run eventually got the title canceled, which IDW Publishing had to rekindle interest by rebooting with an all-new #1 from Jason Aaron last year.
The comic industry loves to rinse and repeat failures from o’ failures, so it was announced this week that Campbell would be penning and drawing the new Supergirl. To add to throwing talent away on the project, DC Comics had one of their top and most revered artists, Stanley Artgerm Lau, design the costume for the series' character.
DC has also added Tamra Bonvillain (Bond Villain?), another man pretending to be a woman, as a colorist for the project, making this an all-trans Supergirl team.
Bonvillain is infamous for coloring a Batgirl comic with a new trans “Superhero” who literally had a baseball bat with trans flag colors on it.
With a team like this, Supergirl is destined to become a complete trainwreck for DC Comics again. It looks like the company places these woke creators on the book to virtue signal for a book they know no one will read or care about much, that will get canceled, so they can get their diversity points for hiring and not impact the books of the line that actually sells.
What do you think of the trans team of Sophie Campbell and Tamra Bonvillain on Supergirl? Leave a comment and let us know.
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