Electronic Arts reportedly banned an Apex Legends player’s entire EA account for telling another player to “don’t be gay.”
A screenshot from an Apex Legends player was shared to X by user Pirat_Nation.
It declared that the player’s EA account was banned for telling another player, “dont be gay.”
EA explained, “We consider this to be Hateful Conduct.” It then declared, “You can no longer play EA Games on this account. We have removed your payment details from our system so you won’t get any more charges from us.”
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It is unclear exactly what the context of the comment is. Regardless, no one should be gay. The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, “Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered.’ They are contrary to the natural law. They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved. … Homosexual persons are called to chastity. By the virtues of self-mastery that teach them inner freedom, at times by the support of disinterested friendship, by prayer and sacramental grace, they can and should gradually and resolutely approach Christian perfection.”
St. Clement of Alexandria also stated, “The fate of the Sodomites was judgment to those who had done wrong, instruction to those who hear. The Sodomites, through much luxury, fell into uncleanness, practicing adultery shamelessly and burning with insane love for boys; the all-seeing Word, whose notice those who commit impieties cannot escape, cast his eye on them. The sleepless guard of humanity did not observe their licentiousness in silence; but to dissuade us from imitating them, and training us to his own temperature, falling on some sinners, lest unavenged lust break loose from the restraints of fear, ordered Sodom to be burned, pouring forth a little of the sagacious fire on licentiousness; lest lust, through want of punishment, should throw wide the gates to those who were rushing into voluptuousness. Accordingly, the just punishment of the Sodomites became an image of the salvation that is well calculated for men. For those who have not committed sins like those who were punished, will never receive a like punishment.”
Given this, it is possible that EA discriminated against this player based on his faith and could be subject to a lawsuit.
This is also not the first time EA has banned players for what could also be described as trash talk depending on the context.
Back in November 2023, TheVAN3D informed another Apex Legends player to “stfu.” He was banned banned for “harassment.”
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Player Jamtard in February of this year was banned for Hateful Conduct. He wrote, “ARE YOU NO WATCHING OVER ME.”
In November 2022, another player shared that he was banned for “Hateful Conduct” for writing “why teabagging.”
EA’s strategy of banning players is a bold one especially given the fact that the game is a downward trend when it comes to its active player base.
According to SteamDB, the game hit an all-time peak concurrent player count of 624,473 in February 2023, but has since seen its player counts slowly evaporate since then. In the most recent 24-hour peak it hit 140,537 concurrent players.
What do you make of EA banning this player for saying “dont be gay?”
LOL Thanks for the Sunday School lesson, but IDGAF what The Catechism of the Catholic Church has to say 🤣
People just need to stop buying EA games.