Federal Judge Strikes Down Arkansas Law That Prevents Pornographic Books Like Gender Queer From Getting Into School Libraries
At the forefront of the culture war in recent years has been an attempt to push back against grooming school ilbrarians putting pornographic materials in front of children. Now, an Arkansas law which would have stopped graphic material like the LGBTQ grooming book Gender Queer from getting into kids’ libraries has been struck down by a federal judge.
Red states concerned about the rights of parents and families pushed back against the rapidly expanding agenda of grooming children into evil LGBTQ lifestyles in recent years. Famously, Florida’s Department of Education released a list of 700 books they listed as inappropriate for being in front of children in schools because of their inappropriate material.
Another law existed in Arkansas with Act 372, which banned books like Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe and other inappropriate material from getting into children’s sections at libraries and other booksellers.
While advocates for Gender Queer love to cry censorship, they fail to acknowledge the graphic nature of the work. The book depicts two nude men making out, with another page having dialogue of “rubbing the front of my jeans and imagining getting a blow job.”
On top of this, it has a simulated oral sex act with two men on a separate page. It is pornographic material that is certainly not appropriate for children, though the publisher Oni Press keeps trying to get the book into school libraries in front of children.
Even the author, Maia Kobabe, admitted it wasn’t for children, saying to the Washington Post, “I originally wrote it for my parents and then for older teens who were already asking these questions about themselves. I don't recommend this book for kids!"
Arkansas signed Act 372 into law, which would prohibit this material from being distributed to children. Governor Sarah Huckabee Sanders signed it. However, federal judge Timothy Brooks struck it down.
In his judgment, he says, “If the General Assembly’s purpose in passing Section 1 was to protect younger minors from accessing inappropriate sexual content in libraries and bookstores, the law will only achieve that end at the expense of everyone else’s First Amendment rights.”
He continues, “The law deputizes librarians and booksellers as the agents of censorship; when motivated by the fear of jail time, it is likely they will shelve only books fit for young children and segregate or discard the rest. For these reasons, Section 1 is unconstitutionally overbroad.”
The judgment mostly focuses on the jurisdiction of who is to arbitrate this law and the vagueness as to which books are appropriate or inappropriate, making it too muddy of wording to pass federal muster.
However, the result is these books are now allowed back into school libraries and the like, able to groom children while it gets further arbitrated in appeals court.
The judge appears to be wrong as the law explicitly states, “Shall not be withdrawn solely for the viewpoints expressed within the material,” which provides for First Amendment rights and also expresses that the material should not be taken out of context. It is a good law to protect minors from pornography and unfortunately, this judge appears to have taken the side of pornographers in spreading evil material to children.
What do you think of this Arkansas Law that stopped books like Gender Queer from getting into school libraries being struck down? Leave a comment and let us know.
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If Commiefornia can harbor Illegal Immigrants, and their Politicians making Laws that protect Illegals, then Arkansas can do the same with this "Ruling".
Ignore the Judge and Ban the Gay Shit from Schools anyway. The Right needs to stop being the "Moral" ones, and use the Leftărd Playbook against them.
It's the only way to fix anything. They take an Eye, you take BOTH!!!!!!!
I think the federal judge is a pedophile.
Any rational man who says it's fine to put pornography in public schools is probably on Epstein's list. Back in the 80s, porn was wrapped in plain brown wrappers, and porn movies were hidden behind blue curtains in Blockbusters and black curtains in private dealers.
I think the federal judge has forgotten that anything not enumerated by the federal government is the state's purview. The judge had no right to strike down a law signed by a state governor.
Interstate commerce wasn't being threatened by removing porn from school libraries.