Deniz Camp works for both Marvel and DC Comics writing The Ultimates and Absolute Martian Manhunter, and he spent his Christmas mocking the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Deniz Camp became semi-famous through his work at Image Comics with 20th Century Men, which is an anti-American screed against the USA’s foreign policy in the Middle East and other Muslim nations. In an interview about the book, he immediately turned to playing the victim for his diversity, “I was an immigrant kid growing up in a small town in Michigan, and something about superheroes -- their hidden strength, kindness, and goodness -- appealed to me. I was awkward and nerdy and couldn't figure out how to connect.”
He is part Turkish, part Filipino, and looks passable as white, seeming to be a token diversity hire at Marvel to push their radical left agenda once again.
His Ultimates Run has been criticized because of its anti-American rants, attacks on white males, as well as turning The Hulk into a Polynesian woman and making Hawkeye into a they/them, which is not mentioned in the book but he decided to take to X to virtue signal about the pronouns.
Because of the poor reception of his run, he’s received heat from fans and posted that his wife was receiving death threats a few days before Christmas.
Undeterred by the blowback he’s received, Deniz Camp has decided to mock the Incarnation of Christ on Christmas Eve as a promotional post for one of his Image Comics projects.
He first posted the cover of the book Assorted Crisis Events along with stating, “I don't have an ACE themed christmas joke but, uh, please pre order it. It's going to be really good.”
He then took a panel apparently from the book in question featuring a baby bursting from the chest of a man who appears to be in excruciating pain. This is where he mocked the birth of Christ saying, “Immaculate conception?”
Apparently impressed with his own blasphemy, Deniz Camp doubled down retweeting his own post later to try to get more engagement for the disrespect of Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary.
He also urged fans to buy his new Martian Manhunter from DC Comics this week, bad timing to come out with a high-profile book while posting Anti-Christian rhetoric.
It seems that Deniz Camp wants to attract negative attention for Marvel, DC Comics, and Image Comics for his projects with the amount of overtly extremist political content he’s inserting into the comic books as well as with his online antics on X.
What do you think of Marvel Comics Ultimates writer Deniz Camp mocking the Incarnation on Christmas? Leave a comment and let us know.
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I just stopped reading Ultimates after #2 because it was awful. Glad it was a far better decision than I realized.
The pitiful, poor sacrilegious heathen DenizCamp seems to be a bit confused. He’s suffering a common misconception amongst the uncouth and blasphemous ..
(Sadly, intelligence culture and wisdom are severely lacking amongst the benighted and lost, this error is common, almost universally made in this dark nitwitted age):
The Immaculate Conception is **not the conception of Christ**, it’s the conception by natural means of the Blessed Mother Mary ever virgin by her parents Joachim and Anne, this without taint of original sin by special dispensation of grace, she being the Ark of the New Covenant bearing God unto man.
We celebrate the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception which marks the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary on 8 December, nine months before the feast of the Nativity of Mary on 8 September.
We celebrate the Incarnation or Conception of Christ when the Holy Spirit overshadowed Mary (when then angel spake unto Mary, “Hail Full of Grace, the LORD is with thee,” etc.) on the Feast of the Annunciation, March 25, nine months before the Feast of the Nativity (colloquially called Christmas) on December 25.
Get it straight, Deniz Bey, you wretched wrascally Tũrk. If you’re going be a moron and to try to insult God, you should at least try not to display complete ignorance of the faith, you blasphemous twit.