Mel Gibson Shares What One Of The Major Themes His 'The Resurrection Of The Christ' Movie Will Attempt To Tackle
Mel Gibson recently shared what one of the major themes his The Resurrection of the Christ movie will attempt to tackle.
In an interview with Raymond Arroyo, he asked Gibson, “This isn’t just Jesus rises [then] Acts of the Apostles, it’s much more complex than that?”
Gibson replied, “Well, yes. Because you have to ask the essential question of: In our existence, why are the big realms of good and evil — and they exist, they are as real as we are are — why are these realms slugging it out for the souls, of the hearts and souls of mankind. Why are we the meat in that sandwich? Little old us, flawed us, imperfect us. Why is that about us?”
“And I’m trying to answer that question,” Gibson shared. “I don’t know if I can. I’ve attempted and maybe with God’s help and with image and with sound and with music we can deliver on some answers to some of those massive questions. These existential questions.”
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Gibson previously provided details about the film during an appearance on the Joe Rogan Experience where he confirmed that Jim Caviezel would reprise his role as Jesus.
Gibson said, “You use him, again.” Rogan then interjected, “Caviezel.” Gibson confirmed, “I know it’s 20 years later. It’s supposed to be three days later, but he got 20 years older. I think I have to use a few techniques that they’ve started to get really good… You can actually get some of the same people.”
When asked when he would start filming, Gibson replied, “I’m hoping next year sometime. There’s a lot required because it’s an acid trip. When we wrote it, it is like-. I’ve never read anything like it.”
“My brother and I and Randall [Wallace] all sort of congregated on this. So there’s some good heads put together, but there’s some crazy stuff,” he continued. “And I think in order to really tell the story properly you have to really start with the fall of the angels, which is you’re in another place, you’re in another realm. You need to go Hell. You need to go to Sheol.”
Rogan then asked, “So you’re going to have Hell? You’re going to have Satan all that?”
Gibson responded, “Yeah. Sure. You got to have his origin.”
When asked how he would depict, he said, “This is a good question and I think I have ideas about how to do that and ideas about how to evoke things and emotions in people from the way you depict it and the way you shoot it. So I’ve been thinking about it for a long term. It’s not going to be easy and it’s going to require a lot of planning and I’m not wholly sure I can pull it off to tell you the truth, it’s really super ambitious. But I’ll take a crack at it. ‘Cause that’s what you got to do, right, walk up to the plate, right?”
“I think I can get it,” he added. “But it’s not about me. It’s about something else.”
Gibson later stated, “It’s about trying to find the way in that’s not like cheesy or obvious, but actually-. It’s almost like a magic trick in a sense. It’s diversion. It’s obfuscate this, show that. Look over here.”
He then shared, “It’s very ambitious. That’s all I’ll say. It took a long time to write. It’s really ambitious and it goes from the fall of the angels to the death of the last Apostle.”
While he hopes to begin shooting next year, he did note he does not have a start date, “I don’t have a start date. I just have to begin pre-production and see what happens. It’s just going to roll in its own time. It’s taking its own time. I thought it was late. It’s taking too long. It’s taking too long. But it’s probably just right. It’s when it’s supposed to be.”
He later shared, “It’s a massive thing. And theologically it’s something that you have to really look at and make correlations that ring true because it’s not all written.”
“Of course, there’s your own thing that comes into it from having read the Book a few times. You read the Book a few times and it’s amazing how your memory, how there’s these recessive files somewhere in the background how you can correlate this piece to that piece over there,” he relayed. “And that’s important because juxtaposition is everything with this story and what it means in a bigger picture.”
“So it’s hard to explain, but it’s quite involved,” Gibson said.
What do you make of this major theme that Gibson hopes to incorporate into his film?
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Keeping you in prayer for the Holy Spirit to guide your work God Bless
Love that essential question why is it about us? I doubt though that the pure and absolute Love the Father has for us can be shown in screen but I will pray that it can! At least in part!