Snow White Star Rachel Zegler Voice Acts In Animated Childrens’ Movie 'Spellbound' That Glorifies Divorce
The Netflix musical Spellbound shows living in a dark, supernatural dystopia, a subversive project for embattled Snow White actress Rachel Zegler to be in before her Disney role draws the full attention of movie-going audiences.
In 1959, an episode of The Twilight Zone aired called ‘Eye of the Beholder’. The plot of the episode involved a young woman, her head covered in bandages, who has been receiving a number of medical procedures intended to make her look “normal”. When the doctors finally remove her wrappings, a stunningly beautiful woman is revealed―but the doctors react with gasps of horror and dismay.
Apparently the treatment was unsuccessful. The camera then reveals the supposedly “normal” faces of the doctors, who all look like they've had unfortunate encounters with industrial-strength mixing machines. Apparently the doctors had been trying to “cure” the young woman’s beautiful face and give her the same twisted features as themselves. In the hideous dystopian world of this episode, practically everyone has an ugly, twisted visage straight out of a nightmare―and because nearly everyone looks like that, they consider it ‘normal’.
While this Twilight Zone episode was shocking to people in the 1950’s, it pales in comparison to real life in 2024. The real world we actually live in is more of a dystopian nightmare than anything the clever screenwriters of The Twilight Zone could have imagined―something made possible by the active malevolence of our elite class and Hollywood subversives.
An animated childrens’ musical called Spellbound is now streaming on Netflix that actively glorifies divorce. If this does not convince you we are living in the darkest timeline, I don't know what will. The reality of demonic interference in our world would not be any more apparent if preternatural entities were literally stomping around with cloven hooves in the middle of the day. We live in a dark supernatural dystopia in which our TV's try to convince our children to have a “joyful” attitude toward divorce―and many other ugly, hideous things as well. Demonic forces are here, and they are barely hiding themselves.
The only thing that can possibly protect you from this dystopian nightmare world is the power of Jesus Christ and fellowship with a faithful church.
According to actress Jenifer Lewis, who plays a royal adviser in Spellbound, “The world needs this joyful movie!” Indeed, the film looks joyful. It looks like just the sort of colourful and exciting fantasy film a child might enjoy. It looks like a perfectly innocent fairy tale movie like Disney’s Snow White or Beauty and the Beast, complete with whimsical fantasy creatures and catchy tunes. The problem, of course, is that the film celebrates divorce, one of the most destructive scourges currently wreaking disaster in the modern Western World. Divorce is not something to be celebrated. It is the last thing you would ever want normalized. Divorce is horrifying, sickening, and awful. To celebrate it, you would have to be delusional, tripping on some pretty powerful drugs, or possibly brainwashed.
Most people can easily recognize how dystopian and horrific it is when non-Western nations make children’s cartoons glorifying and encouraging the murder of their enemies. See here and here. Spellbound is a similarly horrifying piece of propaganda, meant to warp the minds of young children into something hideous and inhuman—viewing family breakups not just as normal, but as something wonderful and exciting. It is the same sort of dehumanizing propaganda that tells us to eat bugs and encourages children to mutilate their genitals if they become sexually confused.
The theme of the film is literally “You can save your family by getting a divorce”. This is a sickening message for young children. Besides being abhorrent to God, it demonstrates to children that they should prioritize their own feelings over the welfare of their family. Ironically, this is literally an anti-love message that encourages selfishness rather than seeking what is best for your spouse. Living in a civilized society requires that people figure out how to get along with each other even when they disagree. Children learn this by watching their parents, and when too many are deprived of this life lesson, society is doomed.
Near the beginning of the film, there is an upbeat musical number in which a breathless young princess (Rachel Zegler) cavorts around, singing about how her parents are always fighting.
Sure, whoo-hoo, I'm a princess!
Still my life's not ideal!
There's a few flaws, mainly because
Both of my parents are monsters,
Like, actual monsters, for real!
The film concludes with the parents divorcing, going to live in separate castles, and everyone being happy again. The princess sings:
This is my world, sure, it's got quirks!
But the new normal surprisingly works!
As for my folks, yes, they're apart!
Still, we're a family entwined at the heart!
No more stress, no more secrets!
I can live like I should!
This is straight-up devilish, and it is astounding to find it in what is supposed to be a children’s film.
Hollywood is full of dysfunctional families and divorced trainwrecks, and just like the twisted-face Twilight Zone people, they want to make everyone just like them. Spellbound is a kind of poison they’ve pumped out into the world in the attempt to twist us all up in the same way they are.
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