'Uncharted' Actor Mark Wahlberg Explains What The Ashes From Ash Wednesday Mean To Him
Actor Mark Wahlberg, who recently starred as Daryl in Flight Risk as well as Michael in Arthur the King, recently discussed what the ashes he received during Ash Wednesday meant to him.
Speaking with Fox News’ Benjamin Hall, Wahlberg explained, “For me, obviously, it’s the start of Lent. It’s a reminder that I need to do more and I need to be better. And there are things in my life that are distracting and take me away from my focus on building my relationship and getting closer to God. And, of course, living that purpose-filled life that He’s chosen for me.”
When asked about people who might be down on their luck and what they can do to turn things around, Wahlberg responded, “I think, obviously, having a relationship with God. Pursuing a relationship with God every day. I think it helps you to put things in perspective. It helps you to deal with the difficulties of everyday life.”
“And, you know, let’s face it, we all deal with lots of difficulty in our lives. There will be suffering. There will be loss. There will be failure,” he continued. “And the only way to deal with those things and still have gratitude and appreciation — because people will always have it harder than you — is to have a relationship with God.”
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Wahlberg then shared, “There is a purpose for every one of us and finding out what that purpose is whether that’s the priesthood, whether that’s being a teacher, whether that’s just going out of your way to reach out to somebody who is having difficulties in their lives. But there is definitely a purpose for all of us.”
“And for me, I feel like nobody is beyond redemption. God knows your heart. And if you are sincere and want to make amends and change your life-. A lot of people say, people don’t change. People are very capable of change. People are capable of greatness, but you have to show people and be an example,” he added.
Later in the interview, Wahlberg described himself “as nothing than a humble servant of God” and that he was put in his position for a specific reason “and it’s just not to forget about where I’ve come from or what I’ve experienced and what other people are going through, it’s to kind of share that with others. But just a very humble servant.”
“And the sign of the cross on my forehead is a sign of humility and a reminder that we are dust and to dust shall we return,” he said. “But through God all things are possible.”
Wahlberg also shared, “With God in your life every day it allows you to be in the positions where you can make the right choices. If you are thinking from a very positive perspective, there’s a better chance that you are going to go about things in a positive way and you are going to effect people in a positive way around you.”
This is not the first time Wahlberg has discussed his faith, Ash Wednesday, and Lent. Last year in an interview with Fox & Friends alongside fellow actor Jonathan Roumie, Wahlberg shared, “I’ve given many things up for Lent, whether it be, you know, alcohol or something, you know, sweet, but for me it’s really about trying to do more.”
You know, trying to be better, trying to grow as a person, as a servant to God, a father, a husband, you know, as an example, and using all that real-life experience that I have,” he continued. “I think it gives me a bit of credibility with people who have been struggling and who have faced adversity.”
Next, he shared, “We just want to be able to do more. And I think, what better than to have Ash Wednesday fall on Valentine’s Day. Because, where do you get more love than with the Lord. And at a time with such a disconnect, we need things to bring people together, and the power of prayer is doing that.”
What do you make of Wahlberg’s comments?
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