Aug 24Liked by Fandom Pulse

Superman looks like Kneel Gayman.

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Aug 25Liked by Fandom Pulse

Why is Batman tackling a midget with a gun in that one image? lol.

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Snyder: "We're 'ALL IN'! At least for now. Unless you go away. Oh, no more than 24 issues of anything, regardless."

Gets you fired up to defend Helm's Deep, it does.

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Aug 27·edited Aug 27

"With DC All In, the launch of DC Absolute Universe is meant to copy Marvel’s Ultimate Comics line"

They also had All-Star Batman which sold well and All-Star Superman which was well regarded. But no follow up, something about them hating on Frank Millar?

"All Star Batman has consistently received negative reviews from critics. Nearly all complaints about the series are directed at Frank Miller's writing, specifically his non-traditional interpretation of the main character. In the series to date, Batman is consistently displayed as cruel, amoral, and sadistic, eager to torture and kill criminals and indifferent to harming civilians who get in his way. Infamous examples of this include his verbal and physical abuse of Dick Grayson in an attempt to prevent him from grieving over his parents' deaths, and his throwing a Molotov cocktail into a crowd during a fight.

In issue #2 Miller's gritty style of dialogue led the title character to introduce himself to Grayson as "the Goddamn Batman". The phrase was repeated at least once in nearly every subsequent issue of the comic."

Haha, what a great comic.

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