"Diverse Teams" actually do perform better than homogenous teams, but Activision and their ilk distort what is meant by "diverse".

A team that has diverse backgrounds, such as design, engineering, testing, sales/marketing, user experience, and actual user test & feedback across a project's or product's use case and life cycle will outperform a team made up of only product designers.

Activision only thinks of "diverse" in terms of race, gender, and sexual proclivities. That kind of diversity is nothing of the kind--it's homogenization of fixed mental outlook and blinkered thinking of the most extreme kind. Again, the term is distorted into the opposite of its original meaning and the proper intent.

Very satanic. Don't be satanic, Activision.

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Don’t you love the way they bow down to 3% of the worlds population (1.2% of the US population)? When the rest of us finds it objectionable.

Stop catering to the sexual deviants and stop catering to a micro-minority and just put out enjoyable games. Stop cramming degeneracy into your games.

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I'm French, part-Metis and autistic wonder if they'd consider me? Also have written lit.

Never really tried through the diversity branch in Canada (tried with Japan humorously failed as they were looking for only those who are Japanese and diverse which means homogeneous which is hilarious).

I mean if I slink into a diversity position I could just relax at work collect a paycheck and write what I want to write while slacking and they won't fire me. I'm partially kidding here.

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That "diverse teams higher performance" thing was a McKinsey consulting piece of propaganda that has been thoroughly debunked. So of course Activision is still going to use it

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The video game industry deserves another crash.

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Are Christians included in their "everybody"?

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Thank god I don't play any of their games........I don't think I do anyways. I deffo don't play WoW or CoD.

If this is Activision then how many other game companies are doing the same thing that we don't know about.

Sweet Baby Inc needs to burn in hell.

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