Not interested in the Mid-East. It has nothing to do with us, honestly if the US government wasn't totally braindead they'd have poured billions onto Canada to develop the Canadian Northwest Passage, helped us clinch it as internal waters and just totally sidelined the Suez Canal so that we'd control trade together and this way interactions with the Mid-East could be minimalized.

Let that region tear itself apart, why should we support it or have any interactions with it? Am so tired of that region mucking up the world economy and politics.

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Being near the southern border, I've often wondered why we were worrying so much about Europe, when we could have been bringing Mexico, Central and South America into our sphere of influence. They already share a common religion, and are hard working people. They have a keen sense of justice. But damn, 40 years of wasted time and money.

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Well Europe to me as a European (sort of) makes sense, but I don’t see how Israel or Mid-East connects even to Europe.

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it connects because Europe gets invaded by migrants from that region every damn year. Geographically speaking the region is very close to Europe's borders, only 264 km seperateCyprus from Lebanon. Historically the region was occupied by the Crusader States, then later Britain and France.

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Then Greece should be utterly militarized and a great wall modelled after that in China put in Anatolia Minor.

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You will bend the knee to whomever owns thee.

This is also a great example of why Section 230 must be ended. As a publisher, all content creators would know going in that they are in a relationship with a person who has the right to censor you, participate in content creation and control your marketing and promotion by algorithm. But then to claim they are not legally liable for the content they do allow thanks to S230 like the phone company is not to blame for those who use their equipment to say things they disagree with is a double standard that can no longer be tolerated. Either fish or fowl be. Not both or neither. Choose common carrier OR publisher. One has no control, no say and no liability. The other has control but is legally liable for all they censor or publish.

Honestly, this stinks of infringement of trade. And before someone goes on the whole "It's there platform, they have a right to say or censor whatever they want." You're right. Just like a publisher, and should be sued accordingly. If they want immunity, they can censor or promote nothing. It goes out raw and is the consumer's responsibility to block things they find in appropriate.

Sad to see his livelihood threatened like this, but ummm... support the removal of Section 230 if you want to see it go away.

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Israel has no interest in "genociding" anybody. Israel only wants to be left in peace. 2.1 million Arabs live free and happily in Israel. Zero Jews live in any Muslim country.

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Calling BS on this. There's Jews in Iran for Christ's sake. Jews have co-existed with Muslims just like ancient Christians populations. Stop playing Globohomo's "good guy/bad guy" game. How about Americans just stay the fuck out of their squabbles.

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Numbers found for Jews in Iran are anywhere from 8,000 to 15,000 which is a massive drop from the 120,000 to 150,000 prior to the 1979 Iranian revolutionary takeover.

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s the left has taken Palestine as their pet cause in recent days, saying anything critical about the Muslim extremist run country is a great way to get mass-reported by woke activists.

I'm Gen-X and I don't understand why anyone who's watched Palestine in the last 40 years would side with the very Muslims who would cut their throat and put their heads on pikes.

I've watched the Muslim's fire rockets into Israel for 40 years, from the borders all around the only free country in the middle east.

I dare any woke communist to walk down the the streets of a Muslim country flying their rainbow banner and see what happens to them.

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His original remarks were right on the money.

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The engraved invitations to put Twitch in the garbage can went out years ago when they put that dude that believed he was a deer on their safety board.

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I would like to see people abandon woke platforms and move to alternatives that allow freedom of speech. But people should stand their ground and refuse to be intimidated into apologizing for things that require no apology.

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He never would have gotten into the mess had he not been so willing to run defense for homosexuals, many of whom happily support Islam in spite of the obvious contradictions.

Of course, he could be referring to some other 'genocide' baked into sharia.

Note, that this isn't a statement in favour of Asmongold, Israel, homos or Islam.

Regardless it's a hilarious misread of his audience to apologise, which lends credence to accusations of Asmongold being 'owned'.

Could just be him being dumb though.

Of course the two aren't mutually exclusive.

It isn't as if he's even dependent on twitch.

Big L.

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