FWIW, I sent them an email complaint. I never read any of this work, as I don't care for Space Marine sci-fi, but I do care about censorship.

The LGBT-whatever crowd has already taken over traditional publishing, and now they're muscling into independent publishing. If we don't stand together, What will we do? Where will we go?

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The "Ember War" series is so much more than "Space Marine" shit. Wow, talk about oversimplification. There are epic space battle and tense negotiations.

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21 hrs agoLiked by Fandom Pulse

Bought Rebel the day it came out and finished it in a day. Truly excellent writer.

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Read his first book in the Exiled Fleet series. Good writer, so throw him a few shekles.

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Richard Fox is an awesome author; I loved his Ember Wars Series! He's also a good person to speak to author new authors. Seriously, his success speaks for itself. He SHOULD be giving advice on how to be successful in this industry. This is the convention's loss, not Richard's.

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Really? You're obscene in your response and expect to taken seriously? Looks like you outed yourself there, buddy...

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Outed himself? What's wrong witb opposing Satanism?

You just outed yourself as a narcissistic whore.

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I’m just going to go out on a limb here, and say that anyone who is applying for a “professional” role and chooses to answer a question with “F***Off” has just demonstrated poor judgment and a lack of professionalism and has disqualified themselves as being unserious, regardless of their politics. This is a role in which he would have to interact with people of differing viewpoints, which he’s proven himself incapable of doing respectfully. It’s astounding how many grown adults continue to confuse freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.

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Poor Judgement? Lack of Professionalism?

No, Richard doesn't want to kowtow to the wickedness of the day. He's a good man. You're a whore.

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Death cultist confirmed, you're opinion is discarded.

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I agree it was unprofessional, but the trans ideology issue has stoked anger and hatred on both sides. Plus, through a combination of the Cass Report and the way in which the WPATH files completely discredited the world's leading transgender medicine authority- by showing they don't even believe that many of their adult patients can give informed consent- demonstrates that twenty years from now, this period will be looked back upon as one of the biggest medical scandals in history.

Are there genuine trans people who deserve kindness and a lack of discrimination in areas which don't conflict with women's specifically protected spaces? Of course! But are people born in the wrong body? Hell no! The brain differences which are often held up as scientific evidence of trans biology are exactly the same as those found in lesbians and gays, which is why most studies who look at those historically referred to gender clinics with gender dysphoria, of those who never medically transitioned (roughly 80%), 80% go on to live perfectly healthy lives as gays and lesbians in adult life.

At the time the DSM-5 was written, the rate of transgenderism in the population was one in 20,000 for males, one in 80,000 for females (although in Poland the figure for women was onw in 20,000, showing a degree of social construction in trans). Put another way, until very recently trans was six or seven times less common than the most common types of genetic conditions grouped into the intersex phenomenon. The mainstreaming of trans ideology has lead to a massive uptick in children referred to gender clinics- on excess of 3000% for girls, and recently much of increase seen has been amongst non-binary types seeking medical interventions for self-diagnosed GD- a category which didn't even exist twenty years ago.

Conservatives make the mistake of conflating the vast majority of trans people with a few vocal and pushy activists who are completely unrepresentative of a group which is generally shy and vulnerable, and who only want to get on with their lives. In the worst circumstances this can lead to hostility being projected onto relative innocents dealing with a debilitating lifelong condition which makes them incredibly vulnerable to all manner of troubling comorbidities, not the least of which is insane levels of post-transition suicide risk.

But the liberal Left's response was worse. Out of a sense of well-intentioned empathy, they spoke to trans people. What they forgot was survivorship bias. They didn't speak to the unrepresented majority of people referred to gender clinics as kids, who were able to work through their temporary gender confusion and dysphoria through conventional therapy- something many on the Left now want to lump in with conversion therapy.

'It’s astounding how many grown adults continue to confuse freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.'- It's a good point, but you should have said 'freedom from criticism'. Besides, asking people to announce their pronouns is an act of coercion. The concession demands subservience to a political ideology which is causing direct harms to children. The more scientifically rational Northern European states which the Left idealises have all come to the conclusion that there are no circumstances in which puberty blockers should be prescribed to a child or a teen, and that cross-sex hormones should only be prescribed in rare circumstances, where therapeutic diagnosis confirms that the gender dysphoria is becoming more acute with time- as a means of preserving the ability to pass for 16 or 17 year olds, when it becomes clear they will be lifelong trans.

Trans may not be a mental illness, but it is certainly a mental condition. Under no circumstances should it be treated like a choice which people can opt into if they happen to feel the typical acute discomfort and confusion which is pretty normal for going through puberty.

Although the Tavistock was seen as a medical scandal, it's worth noting that they did pretty well in most cases. Even when they were most overloaded, 60% of their patients never transitioned, even as adults. It's why, despite being closed down, best estimates place the percentage incorrectly placed on a medial path to transition at between seven and ten percent. The figure is likely far worse in America. Although there is little interest in publicising what will surely become a national scandal, once cultural sanity is reinstituted, initial small studies show the figure to be 30%. As more incorrectly diagnosed and medically transitioned individuals come forward, the figure is likely to become far higher.


'It’s astounding how many grown adults continue to confuse freedom of speech with freedom from consequences.' - and what exactly will happen to the authors and writers, once it becomes clear that they've chosen the wrong side of history, and openly supported a medical scandal in the same league as lobotomies for sexually promiscuous women?

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Was he rash? Sure. Did he have the right to express his opinion on what offended him? Absolutely. Should he have been more tactful in his pointed refusal? In my opinion, yes, but that means nothing for the choice was his.

The problem is that the person/persons at Author Nation are just as offended at his refusal to bend the knee to their social zealotry and used/abused their power over it. If it's a known fact that he was vocally against such foolishness, they should have known such a form would have been a provocation and could have been the bigger person and ignored it. But no. They punish those who will not kiss the rainbow ring. The question now is, what is the public going to do about it? Who will THEY punish? I know I won't trust that organization's brand any time soon since they outed themselves as being a pro-woke, "free-speech hostile" group.

I'm coming to the opinion that "Ethics and Safety" the same as the Stasi euphamism "Political or Morale Officer". (aka were here to charge you who violate the party line with thought crimes.)

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He was told the “ethics and safety committee” removed him from the panel.

That panel has neither Ethics nor does it believe in Safety. It's a committee of insane whackjob virtue signalers.

Since when do pronouns mean anything?

Fox is a great writer. I would have probably ignored the question and if pressed, asked, "What do pronouns have to do with a business presentation?"

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