With modern Marvel, challenging always means "inversion." I assume their "way in" is to have Tony Stark's sacrifice undone by having it turn out part of his snap was to save himself. Something went wrong and he ended up being Doctor Doom, and will kill tons and tons of people. He will turn good again at the end just in time to help Pepper do a better "Snap" that double saves the universe instead. Tony will cradle her in his arms as she dies, the bravest most perfectist most specialist person to ever live, ever. For no reason, Peggy Carter will then punch him out and an old Captain America will say "That's my girl." Roll credits.

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Box office fails as of late show that geek-fi fans don't want "challenging", myself included.

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Challenging is not what the MCU has been. In fact it's the most diluted normie slop ever.

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