The small hats are trying to destroy Japan!

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It's about absolutely conquering and destroying all competition. No alternatives must be allowed to stand.

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It's not their money, so they don't care. They're playing with pension money from people who have no control over where their pension money goes. If they lose it, SO WHAT? -They- aren't losing any of -Their- money.

So they take other people's money and use it to push DEI so they can be the cool kids at the cool parties. But they are all totally disconnected from actual society. Marie Antoinette is very much who they are. We can only hope they meet the same fate.

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Original content that will be rightfully ignored. lol

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BlackRock is a bad Kaiju and Japan needs to call in Godzilla.

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This was inevitable. Cancer spreads until it destroys the host.

BTW, I watched some of My Hero Academia & IIRC, it already had some woke elements. That and the emotional hysteria were too much for me to continue

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Can Blackrock not just leave people alone? They are losing money hand over fist over foot, because nobody wants what they are selling.

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They are like a parasite. They must financialize to live, to stop would be to die.

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If recent economic news is any indication, this short lived move is likely to bomb. To say nothing of the fact that China is still the number 2 market for Japanese entertainment in the world (Was in a trade mission that also involved the Anime industry).

Won't stop death cultists from trying. And there's also the fact that, longer term, Anime and Manga having to change content for the CPC is going to be the bigger think to watch out for.

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