Heather Antos: The Typhoid Mary of Comic Companies.

Hopefully, she gets full credit for the destruction caused, businesses closed, and jobs lost when the dust settles. Tumblrina Queen of Fan Fiction.

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No matter how one feels about Corporate Creative Culture, it is brutal to watch the deaths of IPs we love. These are murders of worlds, the catastrophic, ugly endings of beloved characters, bereft of heroism or hope. They make us watch - they want us to see:

If we love it, they will destroy it.

Never Surrender.

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I disagree in some respects. Many characters in the comics world *should* be retired or at least be allowed to go fallow for a time. The Superhero Phase of comics was waning in the early 70s and it was time for it to fade out for a while, just as it did after WWII. The corporations that purchased Marvel & DC in the late 60s artificially pumped the Superhero lines because they wanted return on their investments.

That doesn't mean we should approve of what the fan fiction creators are doing to the IP, but many need to be put to bed for a while. Corps can't understand that concept at all.

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Agreed that the endings must come - that is precisely why they must allowed to die with the dignity they deserve. But these IPs are not being retired - they are being destroyed. What remains is a zombie, animated by other spirits, leeching off the souls of the original creations.

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And we can't influence that destruction other than by shunning those IPs. Curate the stuff you love and ignore the rest. It's tough to watch, but Ghostbusters 2016 proved that the destroyers will use negative response to their favor. Shunning is what must be done.

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