I used to buy loads of comics. Now I buy zero. Like every other popular cultural art form it has been swallowed by the ideology of a shrill, dogmatic few. Video games, tv shows, movies, books, there is a rich history of quality work on offer. I stick with that for the most part. It’s easy to just duck out of the way of the shit shower of new stuff.

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The future belongs to us indies, the trouble is that DC's woes are the fault of WB. All that fans wanted was great stories with their favourite heroes and side-kicks but for some reason the studio decided activism was more important.

Truly this can be laid purely at the door of those up-top, as the readers never did anything wrong. Men such as Didio & Queseda were appointed to demolish the companies and then since those two it has only worsened.

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It's hilarious watching these companies Dylan Mulvaney themselves and then try and beg the original fans to come back. Don't ever go back. Buy comics that are from independents to teach them a lesson.

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Here's the real issue, Mark Waid is an okay mid writer who's at most a caretaker for someone else's property. That's fine I guess if you're an American Cape addict that wants the same recycled stories over and over again with the same characters frozen in ice. I prefer genuinely different stories with new characters and new worlds and not the same ones being rehashed over and over again with no payoff. If you're a writer/editor like Shooter or Pat Mills, you try to train talent that makes all new stories and characters, and doesn't pick fights with his own audience publicly before your book or series launches. Also they wouldn't be trying to right the ship with yet another pointless event to get a company line going either, THEY'D MAKE NEW ORIGINAL WORK to sell to the audience instead.

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Alienating their ageing-out base, while failing to recruit young people, who are into anime and manga if they are into anything comicy at all. Good bye, American comics. I predict there will soon be nothing but amateur/underground. Maybe real comics will rise from those ages, eventually. I'm far from certain.

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So gay characters are the problem and not homophobic readers? Mmk

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If gay readers actually bought the books, maybe it wouldn't be a problem. Obviously they aren't though..

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Because cis-het white guys dont like reading books about gay characters…? again, i dont think the onus of responsibility is being directed correctly.

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Apparently no one does, or else it wouldn't have been canceled.

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Sales are down across the board, especially so at DC.

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The inflation of DC’s Ls

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