"...writers Scott Snyder and Joshua Williamson...every DC Comics book in October will be a jumping-on point for new readers."

A "jumping-off" point is likely more accurate. Looks like a solid replacement for Sominex.

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Jul 18Liked by Fandom Pulse

Yawn. Another failure that won't even feel like a speed bump to the Japanese manga industry as it runs it's flaccid ass over. lol

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I sometimes wonder if this kind of brand destruction is intentional sabotage by outside parties looking to bring the value of these companies down to the dirt so they can buy it up for pennies, and present themselves like a more moderate alternative while still pushing an agenda.

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"spearheaded by writers Scott Snyder and Joshua Williamson"

Well that's the first red flag right there. Snyder already did "confusing multiverse bullshit but it's all dark and edgy and gritty."

My working theory is that Snyder is clinically depressed and wants the rest of us to be, too.

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At this point, DCUO is the canon, and every offence intended to these clowns my writing in serial fantasy on Substack has met with more success and has been more satisfying to my readers than what these clowns produce. Can't they just file for bankruptcy and go away already? It'd be nice to stop with this farce and just put all of DC & Marvel into the public domain.

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