People are done being told that they're "uncultured" by a bunch of leftist -- acolytes, for lack of a better word! 😉👉

Nobody wants to see the obligatory gay characters making out in season (2) of every Netflix or Hulu series either. People roll their eyes, and fast forward through it. I've been told the streaming data suggests this. Yet, show after show repeats this verifiably unwanted social programming nonsense.

The answer is simple. Stop trying to push an agenda that the vast majority of people are opposed to. If you're going to push an agenda that the vast majority of people are opposed to, stop trying to sell it as "art" or "entertainment." Nobody is buying it, literally or figuratively.

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The problem as I see it is that Hollywood is such a bubble, such an echo chamber. I am convinced these people whole heartedly believe that what they are doing is the entertaining thing and the failure is because of a small group of people bringing it down. They are in their own little world and can't fathom anything outside of it.

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I've heard that, but I don't buy it. Everyone came from somewhere. These people, even the younger ones, didn't grow up with stuff like it is now. Things have drastically accelerated in just the past 5 years.

Sex and gender nonsense is added in, it's not intrinsic.

The vast majority of shows, especially those based on older stories, never included gay makeout scenes.

There's a reason why they keep the gay and trans stuff at bay -- until season 2.

Or, the obligatory male gay couple in The Avengers. Gay people were angry because they said it was like Marvel was checking a box. But they were just checking a box! Because the gay scene didn't help the plot at all. It was just in there -- to be in there.

Someone paid to have it added.

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deletedJul 14
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Tearing down the existing societal structure is the goal. How in particular that goal is achieved, is less important to those waiting to control the outcome.

Their only problem is that they have picked such a fringe minority with which to push their agenda, it's gaining little traction.

LGBTQIAxyz offers individuals nothing. It's all based on group identity, and group-think. Hell, that's why they have the "Pride Flag" to outwardly show their "identity."

There are no "rules," there is only one "rule" and that is, "You must put up with [their] nonsense, whatever that might be, on any given day. If you refuse, we'll try to hurt you financially, physically, or by any means necessary. Submit you bigot!"

There are no literal goals within the LGBTQIAxyz group. It's a lost cause for lost people.

Many will find their way out of the fog, life will force them to wake up. Those who end up transforming their body in irreparable ways will have a life of agony and strife. They will have wasted their life for a cause that never placed any value on human life -- only their ability to "reshape" society.

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My years of not watching a streaming television show are coming to a middle.

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I hope more than just the fans soon have enough and the whole circus is cancelled. Am so tired of Disney et tout leur stupidity.

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I have never quit on anything Star Wars in 40 years (including some absolute tripe like the Clones Wars movie and Boba Fett) but I had to dump this show. Just impossibly fatuous and insipid. There is no 'there' there at all. Just a bunch of scenes that exist purely to spout identity politics. Nauseating stuff

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Jul 6Liked by Fandom Pulse

Manservice didn't put any butts in seats. The shriveled old clams of SJW spinsters are drier than the Sahara desert at all times regardless. lol

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Not that I’m tired of being preached to (though that’s certainly part of it), it’s more about the way in which they do it these days. Films and television series have always been somewhat preachy, but productions in the past have been more creative about how they incorporate those messages. They used the story to do that.

Nowadays, it seems all these writers know how to do is take a generic storyline and treat it like a Mad Libs with “insert political message here” kind of cut and paste. To me, it’s just lazy writing (and it shows).

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I think there's some exceptions to this. The Andor show was genuinely well made, and I never felt like it's political messaging interfered with its ability to tell a story.

But yeah, Disney isn't exactly batting 100 on this stuff. The worst example for me was Finns storyline in The Last Jedi which was basically chock full of bad exposition to hammer you with its politics.

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I agree, there are definitely exceptions to this. It just feels like it’s few and far between lately, which is disappointing.

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I suppose the cratering viewing numbers is also somehow someone else’s fault. Is that.. non-watch-bombing?

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Literally all Disney had to do to print money was a make a decent Thrawn trilogy and a Revan moving/tv series.

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That would require someone in the building to actually know what star was fans want.

Given the popularity of the two KotOR games and the SW:TOR mmo, you’d think they would realize how much tv adaptable content is already there for them to mine.

But nope. Disney is run by white liberals with MBAs, and they’re smarter than the rest of us. They know what we want to watch. /s

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I’m sure there are folks there that know what the fans want. They just don’t care.

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Yep. Or Bane Trilogy. Or Inferno Squad. Twilight Company. Tarkin origin.

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It’s particularly funny that whenever the show bombs, the showrunner/writer/producer who screwed it up on purpose then has a public meltdown and accuses the fans for not buying that shoddy broken-down wreck.

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That's one of the most entertaining parts -- some untalented idiot comes out of nowhere to rant and cry about how everyone else is to blame.

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You'd think with all the marketing courses they have and the focus groups and whatnot somebody might have mentioned to them that insulting your audience while boring them to tears is not a great selling strategy but no.

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Despite her claims, she has not been able to successfully organize the alleged real Star Wars fans she has been courting to make positive reviews.

The Real Star Wars fans have washed their hands of the woke bullshit. They are the people you should be writing for...not the imaginary ones in her head.

Write more like Andor and less like Acolyte.

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Over at That Park Place we have a resident troll Acolyte shill saying "Hurr durr! That's not the Nielsen ratings!"

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Critical Drinker has taken to doing an episode by episode critique. I don't blame him- the sheer quantity of material for comic dissection is astounding.

I switched off 20 minutes into Episode 1. I tried looking for Millennium the TV series the other day. It's not available on any of the streaming services and is only available on Torrent at DVD ripped levels of resolution. I would quite happily pay £15 to own all the seasons in a cleaner higher resolution format from any streaming service, and I suspect I am by no mean alone.

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Disney is ruining Star Wars.

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And yet, for some reason, we're here talking about it.

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Welcome to the Disney Schadenfruede buffet. It’s delicious.

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Finally. Perhaps the mouse doth protest too much, methinks.

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One point i want you boys to notice, and girls, back me up on this.

The one guy they get naked in the show is the Bad Boy.

Whereas for us fellas, we usually fantasize about the Good Girl.

Its human nature. The Bad Boy is sexier to women, just like the Good Girl is sexier to men. Its biology. Bad Boys are survivors, they are dominators. So their children do better and the ladies love them. Good Girls make our lives easier, so we prefer fellas prefer the good girl.

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