This issue stopped being about Gaiman when the press and other interested parties started refusing to cover the story and moved into cover-up mode. No doubt Gaiman's publishers, his executive producers and studios, as well as the fan-based media--Fandom-where have we seen this before--are playing the same game that most everyone in the know played for Walter Breen and Marion Zimmer Bradley. A similar occurrence was reported with one of Alice Munro's daughters where her step-father repeatedly abused her. Turning a blind eye to this is enabling evil.

The pattern of events is similar to other cases where people in positions of power found revealing secrets about an author or actor or public official to be "inconvenient", leading to an Omelas Event. You know the one -- where one person, typically an innocent, is sacrificed for the benefit of others who are 'too big to fail'. Maybe to suffer for years under stigma, maybe to suffer unwarranted shame and ridicule, or maybe even to die.

The pattern says to investigate quickly and thoroughly, to report on the findings, and to clear Gaiman or the potential victims as rapidly and publicly as possible. The people hiding this information are satanic in their behavior, as this only extends pain for everyone involved. The filth of Omelas deserves quick destruction wherever it rears its diabolical and degenerate heads.

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"Heaven has no rage like love to hatred turned, nor Hell a fury like a woman scorned."

Everything seemed fine until the NDA was raised, and the texts confirm as much. My guess is that the young woman felt deeply betrayed and humiliated. Believe it or not, a sense of betrayal can greatly colour a person's perceptions of past events, encouraging them to see things in an entirely different light. This is only an opinion, and I don't believe the allegations are malicious, merely unfounded.

Generally, we should wait for the due process of law to unfold.

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Sounds like what Gaiman did was exploitative, but not criminal

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Speaking as a writer and artist, one of mythology and fantasy; why go to a convention and pick up chicks or hook up with fans at all? No offence, it just seems like a bad idea given how it usually turns out. Hook up with someone, stay with them and mind your place so to speak. Basically pick a partner, and stick with her like Howard, Tolkien, Lewis, Alexander and countless others did before you.

Always knew Gaiman was a weirdo, and never liked his work.

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I just can't care about clever people being naughty at this point. It's all hubris and sinful awful people pretending their bad behavior is them being enlightened and so of course people get hurt.

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