I have a very Liberal old friend who I've gamed with for years. He's a professor at a New England university. Yet even he was shocked that WotC removed the Ability Score distinction between races. If they're all the same, why have them?

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The best time to quit playing D&D is 10 years ago. The next best time is now.

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I used to play DND, but was never a huge fanatic--never owned any of the books, aside from a friend gifting me a player manual.

I don't understand what kind of game you're playing that you need to have "time outs" because you're triggered or whatever.

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Nothing says “respect for other cultures” like treating the members of particularly cultures like rotten eggs.

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I hate modern culture with a passion.

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There are now possibly millions of people who now know “liches” represent the j’s / cabbalah.

Noticing intensifies.

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There’s nothing wrong with wanting to stick to the old canon. If you want to play AD&D, play AD&D. No one has a right to make you feel guilty. If you want to play 5e, play 5e. No one has a right to make you feel guilty. Neither side has anything to apologize for.

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Wokeism, MAGA, why can’t people just accept each other, practice just a little smidge of empathy and stop force feeding their views? Wokeism is clearly off the rails. But it’s also ok to be culturally aware. Jesus

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"Oy vey! Shut it down"

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Forget WotC, forget 5e, forget the 2024 editions. Just go back to AD&D. you'll be a lot happier.

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Dungeons & Dragons has become Politicians & Trannies.

They've removed everything that made D&D a great game.

We need our own Sword and Spell caster game.

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D&D became a joke when 4E came out and 5E is a pandering, idiotic mess. Sticking with 1 and 2E. D&D no longer exists for me after those exceptional editions.

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