After reading this, I’ve decided to allow publishing to Substack as an option in my writing app.

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What writing app good sir? That sounds awesome.

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This is outrageous! The greatest fiction in history is Mythic Fiction, and for these damn monsters to come in, destroying it and pillaging it is an insult to humanity itself!

This cannot be allowed to continue to do so! They may have in their racism barred us Mythic writers (or fantasy writers if you will) from publishing traditionally, but we won't and cannot stopped! Screw them!

Thanks FP for writing this excellent article! Easily one of your best thus far!

Mind if I write a commentary on this on the Alliance Authors substack, and link to this excellent article of yours?

We writers and lovers of fantasy/myths need to share the news and band together just as the Fellowship did and just as the people of Aquilonia did when the Dark Lords of LOTR/HOTD invaded their homelands!

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They aren't really destroying mythic fiction - more like ignoring it and trying to replace it in people's hearts with a misshapen mongrel changeling. Hollywood is doing mythic fiction no favors, however, in adhering primarily to the Star Wars version of the hero's journey in preference to all the other options. Ragland and Campbell's heroes had a thousand faces, not just a couple!

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Good for him! Unfortunately, this disgusting practice of traditional publishing doesn't seem to be limited to the fantasy genre, but is across all of them. It's part of why I've almost completely abandoned reading traditionally published books. What they want to publish is not what I want to read and I don't want to support their publishing practices.

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I think it's time for Skyhorse Publishing to create a fantasy imprint and bring all these great works into the sunshine so we can all enjoy them. It's funny how I, a chick, can't stand most of the garbage passing for mainstream fantasy today but I'm finding a lot of really good stuff from independent writers.

(Pretty soon, however, we should have Yggy up and running - a free database where you can find and purchase independently published books that would otherwise be ignored.)

Then again, I'm not surprised it's fantasy suffering here. I have always said fantasy is the most conservative leaning of the genres save maybe thrillers, and certainly the indy themes I find reflect that.

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These activists are prevalent in the indie community too often creating cliques that actively blacklist, smear and block those who stand against them. It's a huge issue and has resulted in many genuinely great authors walk away from publishing in disgust. I try and oppose them at every opportunity but it's a losing battle when so many others are too afraid to make a stand or fear these people will harm their books chances.

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The serialization of book chapters make up the least read of my posts here. I seem to do better with meta-articles about writing and the awards.

Not having seen the novel in question, can we really say for sure if the rejection was for the author's race, or if it is the second coming of Empress Theresa?

Yes, I realize this could theoretically be turned back at me.

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Id assumed this was the case when i looked around for writers/artists grants and found most of them exclusionary of the straight white male.

So substack populist writer i go.

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Pilum Press publishes manuscripts based on merit. Check them out (pilumpress.com). Their latest offering, JB Jackson's Ursula of Ulm, is excellent.

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Thanks for the link! The name's spelled Heimbach, btw. ;-)

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