this expansion has two features:

1) the aforementioned “self-insert” is famously played by a “trans” actor.

it’s about as horrible as it sounds, and nearly all of the gameplay was removed just for more “trans noble savage who is just better than you” scenes.

that’s not to say ALL of it is cutscenes though: this game lets you skip cutscenes, the game does not let you skip scenes with dialogue options. So instead of the game being three quarters cutscenes, it is three quarters unskippable dialogue scenes where every option option is:

A) you’re the greatest wuk lamat!

B) I’m going to kill this guy who disagrees with you wuk lamat!

C) I don’t know about this wuk lamat, but you obviously know more than I ever possibly could so just do what you want anyways!

Keep in mind all those negative comments are made by hardcore leftist people in real life. It’s so bad that it’s causing them an existential crisis, but they can’t outright admit why so we get the excuses presented.

2) the first half of the story is about how Fathers are pure “evil” and how the “Patriarchy” makes monsters of people who would otherwise be “goodboy” shtlibs in another society; and how “enlightened” liberal satanists travel across the sea to bring atheism and fornication to “ascend” savage tribes, all while “learning” how “superior” savage tribes are to all the vaguely-Christian-coded “villains” on the main continent are.

the second half of the story is you go to war with an underaged pop singer in skimpy clothing because she made a machine that allows people to Live after death, and then makes a big point about “deleting Heaven” all while standing in a circle, thumping their chest while grunting rhythmically about fr4mson ideals and the “ascent” of s4tan “over” God and man.

I can imagine why this game failed. I’m only shocked it didn’t happen sooner. Every other expansion was purely s4tanic drivel as well, only difference is that this one takes away the narcissistic glee the other expansions had.

you see, YOUR CHARACTER was the one people got on their knees to worship in other expansions. I’d imagine the negative press is because it’s causing narcissists to see themselves for the first time and they don’t like it.

evil will off evil mar, after all. LOL!

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Yeah, it was kind of ... Underwhelming? I mean, I've recently heard some plot stuff that made me sit up and take notice, like Wuk Lamat and Sphene being alternates from Final Fantasy 9/the Source. Dawntrail had to set up a ton of baseline for future storylines. I just wish it hadn't beaten us in the face with the furry so much and let us see more of her brother. He was actually an interesting character, and IMO he should have been there for the second half of the game. Also they never let us hit the giant alarm gong in the main city. I'm still salty about that.

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