He's right. It is cruel, but this is how you have to operate when facing an enemy. There is no place for courtesy when dealing with people who want you dead.

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Sure, but it is not up to Darrah to define what is cruel and then proceed to lambast others for it. If you stretch a definition ad infinitum, then it will cover infinity of scenarios and people and will be a complete absurdity. One created entirely on your opinions and preferences, I might add - absurdity squared. That's not how any of this works.

Celebrating someone else's failure can be a completely valid position. It may not be too classy, but it's not cruel either. In sport, in business, in politics, examples are many.

And then there are cases like those rightfully pointed out by John: when there is a group that knowingly, deliberately spreads evil and corruption with the aim of undermining society and pushing it towards evil, celebrating their failure or downfall is the logical and right thing to do. Unless Darrah wants to go full Godwin and start arguing against cruelty towards all the Wehrmacht and SS soldiers who suddenly found themselves out of jobs in 1945?

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Schadenfreude is best Freude!

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Rules for me, not for thee.

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Heh… As if we all didn’t know that he probably helped plenty of people get fired because he didn’t like their beliefs. And felt good about it too.

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The sharing of Aquinas is appreciated. Baseline "good manners" covers such behavior, but understanding & usage have fallen on hard times.

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You sure that's not Noam Chomsky?

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Actually I have a right, not even a constitutional right but a natural right, to be "cruel" to whomever I want, whenever I want. I exercise that right gleefully toward absolute shitheels when they get what's coming to them. I was never under the impression that I needed to consoooom any particular product to obtain that right.

Oh bawwwww, oh fuss, you're no longer being paid to lecture and sermonize at me. Poor dear. Tons of employment opportunities in the agricultural industry, I'm told. Learn to pick strawberries.

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Oh, but it's okay to rip off the American public with overspending on non-essential items like condoms for Hamas, and circumcisions for Madagascar, etc. The US government needs to downsize and I'm all for DOGE!! These people have been living off tax-paying citizens for too long! As the Left used to tell us - Learn to Code!!!

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