Massive retconning going on here.

Far more people seem to be whining about Concord's failure than actually supported the game. I wonder if those two things are related?

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Huge difference between the two, one launched behind the exclusive wall. The other was on everything current gen and PC. Limited market share will do exactly what it has always done to something apparently mediocre, squash it like a dead ant. Crying and moaning about it gets nothing but more disrespect. Being negative about the competition because your beloved garbage failed only brings more hate towards them as well. "It didn't get a chance, x game sucks even more, haven't tried x game myself but I can see it sucks". Hypocrites and idiots!

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Concord died because:

- Brings nothing new to the genre

- 40 dollar price tag (when the competition was free)

- ugly characters

- shitty marketing

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Cry more you faggot commies!

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