Jimmy grew up Christian. He knew exactly what he was doing calling himself "Mr. Beast".

No surprise.

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Someone has an over-realized eschatology

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Not surprised were this to be as bad, or worse than it appears. He was nearly cancelled ... 15 or so years ago by the usual socjus crowd and got past it.

Then there's Good Mythical Morning which went from weird, but decent, to hella creepy over the same time period.

It's the Hellmouth. It's what it does.

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What happened 15 or so years ago?

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Chris is mentally ill now.

I knew something was wrong with him mentally the day he started wearing lip stick and ear rings.

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My kids were addicted to this shit. If this is true I want these creeps behind bars for a long time.

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Mr Beast has always always given me the ickys. I've never been a fan of the "let's film someone's reaction to getting lots of money" format, it just feels gross. None of this controversy coming out surprises me at all. Kudos to Owen Benjamin for calling out the weird vibes of Mr Beast and co a long time ago.

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A lot of his video pranks and contests are downright cruel and abusive, as well. People sign up willingly in the hopes of winning big, but the cost of playing often seemed far too high for the cash reward given. I think the worst I saw was when they offered a guy hundreds of thousands of dollars to stay isolated in a house for several weeks. No family contact, barely any human contact at all, but they were also slowly demolishing the house around him and essentially tormenting him with various challenges to keep things interesting. Looked like it took a huge toll on the guy, but his family needed the money so he stuck it out.

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The engagement model de rigueur these days. My friends accused me of being Cartman, when the South Park World of Warcraft episode came out, and those guys ran tricks to reinforce engagement at far higher level of smooth proficiency than Mr Beast.

Plus, it's system-wide. Even the food in you kids school canteen is heavily biased by lobbying interests- kids don't need two breads a day, they most certainly don't need sugar in their flavoured milk and the amount of crap they put in American food is disgusting. Years ago, I bought tinned tuna at the local USAF base (we have base privileges). It was only when I got it home that a realised the tuna was stored in some form of chicken stock- WTF is that all about.

And the worst thing of all is that American food companies target the children of poorer families for high sugar diets, because they know that parents further up the socioeconomic spectrum are more wary and educated about nutritional needs. There are several versions of the same Guatemala study online, one of which points to the fact that when two groups of children are given diets of equal calorific content, but for one group the diet is high sugar, it can amount to about an 8 point difference in IQ in cognitive development and significantly worse life outcomes. So in this respect, Mr Beast is just responding to existing market forces, and playing exactly the same game as the people who make smart phones, games and TV content- and a symptom of a far broader cultural malaise which is rotten to the core.

On the other issue, we don't know exactly what Mr Beast knew and when. He might have suspected, but even voicing those suspicions without any evidence to substantiate his concerns could have easily led to worse cultural censoring and vilification than J K Rowling. If one goes back through her texts to before she really began to take a stand against individual trans activist bullies who had doxed her and threatened her personal safety, then the only transphobic things she did were point that 'people who bleed' isn't a very good way of describing women, and that yes, women have periods and give birth, as well as pointing out that women who point out that trans rights shouldn't automatically result in the erosion of women's rights shouldn't be fired.

Most people are cowards. They don't the ability to stand up like J K Rowling did. Plus, he was a friend and colleague and Mr Beast probably didn't want to believe whatever suspicions he held.

People don't realise how strong these social incentives can be. How many people remember the Manchester Bombing, the Ariana Grande concert where an Islamic Terrorist maimed and murdered numerous children? There was a twentysomething year old junior security guard who was manning a desk. He saw an extremely nervous and agitated Middle Eastern dude wearing a bulky backpack. The guy literally spent nearly an hour nervously pacing and looking agitated in the indoor lobby area just outside the venue.

The young security guard was understandably suspicious, but at the inquest he candidly admitted that he didn't want to call a supervisor because they might think he was being 'RACIST!'. That's how fucked up this shit we're living through is. It's the Cultural Revolution, set in the West. Most people are sheeple. They don't dare contradict the prevailing narrative lest they be excommunicated from the herd, and this is doubly true of those who have managed to find ways to live extraordinary lives of wealth and influence.

In the UK, the Free Speech Union has processed roughly 2,000 cases. They only have just over 21,000 members who are eligible through their membership for their help!

I wouldn't be too hard on Mr Beast. Not only do we not know how much he knew or could admit to himself, how much he passed off as the stupid humour of an associate playing to a 'stereotype', but all of the business practices he used are also used by all your favourite brands and services... this one included. Or did you think that the 'Oasis' feel of Substack was organic, and not designed as a major part of their business 'Why'?

And your government is worse. The American food pyramid would be healthier if it was inverted.

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The corporate machine will chew up anyone and thingthing including our youth to make a dollar. But we should not forget it's NOT a nameless faceless corporation doing these things, It's the PEOPLE running these companies and their rich powerful stock holders. It's time we started to turn the screws on corporations for their disgusting practices re food, drugs, gambling, and more ( Gambling should NOT be in video games at ALL).

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Part of the problem is legalism. Research has shown that regulators with open safety-minded mandates and broad discretionary powers work best. The main purposes of highly codified regulatory systems in as a make work for public employment. The main downside is that it invites the belief that even evil actions are allowed, provided polluters and harms induced are technically legal.

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If you saw the videos he made before he became famous, none of this is really surprising.

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Mr. Beast should have titled his show "Jim'll Fix It", but that might have already been taken.

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I always hated that grinning jackass. Glad he's hoist on his own petard.

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Until the evidence is presented, it is merely allegation.

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