It's baffling to see and every time I think it can't get worse, they continue pushing these strange fetishes, pretending they are virtuous. The more it happens, the more determined I am to just ignore them completely and support alternatives.

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An ethnic German and Catholic character stood no chance with the woke.

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"Can the mind actually vomit?" - Archer.

This is one reason that every time I look back to see if maybe MAYBE I can check in and find comics improved since 1994 only to get the brutal reality check its #&*@#!! fan fiction of the worst agenda puking sort. And that "birth" panel? OMFG! Was that AI art? I could forgive that! But even for a home birth, that CAN'T be right! And of course, that page from Dazzler. So yeah. I'm out. I'll wait till their whole system collapses, the wokies and agenda writers are purged and someone can pick up the detritus and try again without violating the IP like a small village being overrun by a mongol horde.

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Thank god the average age of comic book readers is 34 and not 15.

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