Warhorse Studios’ latest release, Kingdom Come: Deliverance II, features the main character Henry and his friend Hans engaging in sodomy, and many gamers were not having it.Fandom Pulse is a reader-supported publication.
I think it is pretty neat, now the gay people from the fandom have a romantic path for them. And it is not like same sex atraction was created by Madonna, it has always existed in diferent societies across time. Good for them.
sdmy was created by dmns, and brought back from the ancient pagan world by protestants (specifically the fr4m4son offshoot). in the ancient pagan world it was strictly viewed as the worst form of brutality, hate and demoralization possible.
as the second worst sin, the ancients had the right idea: it is the par excellence expression of the devil’s seething hate and mockery of women, sex, and childbirth. you would have no interest in it otherwise, except for the other use of dehumanizing and brutalizing child catamite.
this you will answer for Eternally and Temporally.
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
Same sex atraction is a trait that is as inherit for homosexual people as heterosexuality is for us, so to imply that anyone other than God Himself is responsible for a core aspect of His children is heresy.
the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance is is the worst stnic ritual of all: what people refer to these days as “abortion.” specifically Martyring someone in effigy of what they wish they could do to God Himself.
this is the only thing evl enough to get the dvl’a personal attention which is why it’s used.
the third s1n That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance of blasphemy, scde due to denial of God And His Church, is also not mentioned.
The six possible ways to unforgivably blaspheme are as such:
1) Despair of salvation,
2) Presumption of God’s mercy,
3) To impugn the known truth,
4) Envy of another’s spiritual good,
5) Obstinacy in sin,
6) Final impenitence.
The fourth s1n That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance has two parts:
denying or usuring a working man from his wage, which is tantamount to mrdr against his Family who he cannot support anymore.
defrauding or usuring anyone who has little or no support: orphans, widows, the sick, the infirm, the lame, the homeless, etc. As this is tantamount to mrdring them and who they support because they have no defense.
When the c4pital s1n of pride is thr4tened (and therefore totally refuted), it turns to the mrtal s1n of desp4r:
1) hopelessness,
2) trying to d4mn others in your place by projection,
3) trying to normalize your sin by claiming d4mning you will somehow d4mn everyone.
steps of the reprob4te:
1) mrtal s1n.
2) d4nial of God due to shme over mrtal s1n, hoping that makes it go away.
3) p4rsecution of Catholics due to shme over mrtal s1n.
4) Mrtyring Catholics due to shme over mrtal s1n.
5) scde.
5 happens right after 4 is even attempted. and you are trying the test cuts for it right now.
Also from God To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin:
“Do you know dearest daughter, how I raise the soul out of her imperfections? Sometimes I vex her with evil thoughts and a sterile mind. It will seem to her that I have left her completely, without any feeling whatever. She does not seem to be in the world, because she is in fact not there; nor does she seem to be in me because she has no feeling at all other than that her will does not want sin. I do not allow enemies to open the gate of the will that is free. I do let the devils and other enemies of humankind beat against other gates, but not against this, which is the main gate guarding the city of the soul. I do not will the soul’s death as long as she is not so stupid as to open the gate of her will. They cannot enter unless her own will chooses to let them in.”
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
there's one specific mention in the bible of abortion. in that mention, it is permitted because the woman's life is considered more valuable. ya might try reading it.
No, "ab*rtion" is mentioned. it's the worst sin possible and worst satanic ritual of all equal to that of cain for Martyring Abel.
mentioned by name.
"pharmacea" (often translated "sorcery") was the ancient word for it.
this specific sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance (the worst of all), Excommunicates Latae Senitentiae TEN TIMES OVER.
3-4 BILLION and counting since 1970 alone, you pay for each by your support.
each sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance incurs special p*n*shment in hell worse than all else, bl*d prices on earth to be paid even if you Repent, immediate d*monic p*ss*ssion, &also to be h*nted by a d*mon who pushes you to s*c*de before you can Repent.
To claim Scripture or any Greater part of The Deposit Of Faith supports the the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance, worst stnic ritual of all, worst s1n of all, worst evl of all is unforgivable blaspheming par excellence. To claim God supports it is worse, but we are already dealing with prices far above what you could fathom many grades behind now.
Not to mention anyone who would claim to write such a thing would be jettisoning themselves away from The Church ten times over, and there as no way to get back in during The Old Covenant.
The Old Testament was Written by Prophets of the Old Covenant. The New Testament was Written by The Last Prophets of the Old Covenant and The First Bishops of The New AND Eternal Covenant.
Scripture is the smallest part of The Deposit Of Faith.
you can recognize Scripture because it comes in the form of 73 books, and all St Polycarp and St John did was collect them in one Library; but since you know nothing of Natural Law and even reject it, you can’t understand anything in Scripture.
Since you reject Natural Law, you have no mean of even realizing Love and Absolute Truth exist. In fact, your sick life is a one-man attack on Love and Absolute Truth. For this reason those like you and marcion and luther et al have no means of even hearing about Magisterium and Sacred Tradition.
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
“abortion” is the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance, worst stnic ritual of all, worst s1n of all, worst evl of all. equal to cain for Martyring Abel, there is no greater evl and nothing incurs a greater pnshment. tangentially supporting it in even the smallest way Excmmunicates Latae Senitentiae all possible 10 times over. Also the ONLY thing evil enough to get the devil’s personal attention.
each sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance incurs special pnshmnt in hll worse than all else, bld prices on earth to be paid even if you Rpent, immediate dmnc pssssion, and also to be hntd by a dmn who pushes you to scde before you can Repent.
My Favorite is a Saint in 200AD was allowed by God to see into hll, and there he witnessed God temporarily bringing down the Babies to perform “The Final Vengeance” on their dmned parents.
Natural Rights:
Life, Holiness, Property, Lethal Self-Defense against ANY who try to break the 4.
Just War states:
- it is a grave sin and makes you fully complicit in evil to do nothing in the face of evil.
- it is a grave sin and makes you fully complicit in evil to not feel anger in the face of evil.
On top of that, unforgivably blaspheming gets you what? Specifically the price of Egypt during the Exodus.
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
Woe Eternal for calling the second worst sin possible as “good,” most unforgivable dmned one. Don’t think I don’t notice that you created two accounts just to post this also.
sdmy is the second sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance. to claim God “created” this, you are unforgivably blaspheming, which is an obvious variant of the third. Not to mention your clear hateful intent to try to Martyr Us, starting with demoralization, which is the worse sin possible.
to call Speaking Love, Absolute Truth, And Natural Law as well as Admonishing the sinner and Instructing the ignorant as “heresy” is not only a total rejection your single means of Salvation, you are unforgivably blaspheming against All In The Church (All Three Persons Of God, All Saints, All Angels, All Poor Souls [Purgatory], All In The Catholic Church past/present/future). Not to mention the intent is to try to Martyr Us, which then doubles this as the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance.
each sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance incurs special punishment in hell worse than all else, blood prices on earth to be paid even if you Repent, immediate demonic possession, and also to be hunted by a demon who pushes you to suicide before you can Repent. as with all sins, there is no limit and each and every one is paid in full Eternally and temporally. Since sins That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance makes God Deny His Permissive Will to punish them immediately, they are also paid immediately.
billions to trillions of those, and you did it just to “like” your own post to try to harm who God Loves in revenge for you being Marked by Him.
God To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin:
"they not only fail from resisting this frailty…but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that, for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them…It is disagreeable to the demon, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. It is true that it is the demons who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demons leaves."
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
God Is The Uncreated, Uncontingent Prime Mover Who Creates And Sustains All.
you, like EVERYTHING, are a Created, Contingent being.
unlike much of the rest, We aren't trying to rationalize obstinance in s1n!
All God Does Is For The Good Of The Created.
Existence means you are connected to God, your perception of Reality has no bearing on Reality.
Blessing - Joy Only God Can Give.
pity He's given you no blessing, instead you unforgivably blaspheme, chasing after c4rpses of d4m4ns.
your single interest is in "control," which is the the source of all your issues.
you HAVE to redefine things to your agenda of control because else you cannot "be like gods."
All Contingency Necessitates The Uncontingent. All Causality Necessitates The Uncreated.
the mere denial of God is ritualistic to gnostic ideals of "apotheosis" (LOL).
you cannot be exempt from Faith, Love, Absolute Truth, Natural Law, Magisterium, Sacred Tradition, Scripture, Reason, Logic, et al by calling Reality as mere Catholic “belief” and then claiming by not being Catholic that you are exempt from Reality.
Love Is To Will The Good Of The Other As Other.
Good is what is Rightly Ordered.
Good is as God Created ALL To Be.
Will is the Capability to do Good.
To The Other As Other, means without regard to yourself.
The will can only be utilized when someone understands Good as Good.
Therefore those l1ke you who r4jct Good c4use it reminds you of your evl have n0 will or cp4blty to Love at all.
since you and they have committed even one evl act, therefore you have no will and therefore no capability to Love whatsoever.
therefore you cannot understand Love in ANY capacity, and because of this you cannot understand God.
God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena about the second worst s1n possible of sdmy:
God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin on you:
“They not only fail from resisting this frailty [of fallen human nature]…but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that , for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them…It is disagreeable to the demon, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. It is true that it is the demons who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demons leave."
God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena on you:
"I do not allow en4ms to open the gate of the will that is free. I do let the dvls and other en4ms of humankind beat against other gates, but not against this, which is the main gate guarding the city of the soul. I do not will the soul’s d4th as long as she is not so stpd as to open the gate of her will. They cannot enter unless her own will chooses to let them in.”
that's funny. of course there's no such thing as a gay "gene. Most immutable characteristics are defined by several genes and other factors, not just a single gene.
We don't have any actual evidence for God, but there's plenty of evidence showing homosexuality to be genetic. I suppose I have to remind myself that most people don't really care about the truth.
What puzzles me is how everyone knows these folks are getting extra financial rewards for pushing this stuff, yet they nevr come out (so to speak) and just say "we did this because we wanted the money." It's always "the fans are a*holes" and "we're just doing real art" and ""nobody's forcing you (but if you want to play our game, you have to pay for this other stuff too!)." I wish they would be honest for a change and just say they wanted the money.
“Hence, in his treatment of detraction, Aquinas holds that ‘if it is for the sake of something good or necessary that someone utters words by which someone else’s reputation is diminished, then, as long as the right circumstances are preserved, this is not a sin and cannot be called detraction.’ For example, ‘it is not detraction to reveal someone’s hidden sin by denouncing him for the sake of his improvement or by accusing him for the sake of the good of public justice.'"
Jagi has a good post about this today.
Still thinking through it.
One aspect might be, not neutrality, that's the F&G liar-for-$ game mode, but impersonality.
Can one denounce with and to the same degree as one would do had the one being denounced or whose sin is mocked, *not* also injured the denouncer? IOW, is it always detraction, if one has a grudge ; especially a legit one? Human nature being what it is?
I think it is pretty neat, now the gay people from the fandom have a romantic path for them. And it is not like same sex atraction was created by Madonna, it has always existed in diferent societies across time. Good for them.
sdmy was created by dmns, and brought back from the ancient pagan world by protestants (specifically the fr4m4son offshoot). in the ancient pagan world it was strictly viewed as the worst form of brutality, hate and demoralization possible.
as the second worst sin, the ancients had the right idea: it is the par excellence expression of the devil’s seething hate and mockery of women, sex, and childbirth. you would have no interest in it otherwise, except for the other use of dehumanizing and brutalizing child catamite.
this you will answer for Eternally and Temporally.
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
Same sex atraction is a trait that is as inherit for homosexual people as heterosexuality is for us, so to imply that anyone other than God Himself is responsible for a core aspect of His children is heresy.
the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance is is the worst stnic ritual of all: what people refer to these days as “abortion.” specifically Martyring someone in effigy of what they wish they could do to God Himself.
this is the only thing evl enough to get the dvl’a personal attention which is why it’s used.
the third s1n That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance of blasphemy, scde due to denial of God And His Church, is also not mentioned.
The six possible ways to unforgivably blaspheme are as such:
1) Despair of salvation,
2) Presumption of God’s mercy,
3) To impugn the known truth,
4) Envy of another’s spiritual good,
5) Obstinacy in sin,
6) Final impenitence.
The fourth s1n That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance has two parts:
denying or usuring a working man from his wage, which is tantamount to mrdr against his Family who he cannot support anymore.
defrauding or usuring anyone who has little or no support: orphans, widows, the sick, the infirm, the lame, the homeless, etc. As this is tantamount to mrdring them and who they support because they have no defense.
When the c4pital s1n of pride is thr4tened (and therefore totally refuted), it turns to the mrtal s1n of desp4r:
1) hopelessness,
2) trying to d4mn others in your place by projection,
3) trying to normalize your sin by claiming d4mning you will somehow d4mn everyone.
steps of the reprob4te:
1) mrtal s1n.
2) d4nial of God due to shme over mrtal s1n, hoping that makes it go away.
3) p4rsecution of Catholics due to shme over mrtal s1n.
4) Mrtyring Catholics due to shme over mrtal s1n.
5) scde.
5 happens right after 4 is even attempted. and you are trying the test cuts for it right now.
Also from God To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin:
“Do you know dearest daughter, how I raise the soul out of her imperfections? Sometimes I vex her with evil thoughts and a sterile mind. It will seem to her that I have left her completely, without any feeling whatever. She does not seem to be in the world, because she is in fact not there; nor does she seem to be in me because she has no feeling at all other than that her will does not want sin. I do not allow enemies to open the gate of the will that is free. I do let the devils and other enemies of humankind beat against other gates, but not against this, which is the main gate guarding the city of the soul. I do not will the soul’s death as long as she is not so stupid as to open the gate of her will. They cannot enter unless her own will chooses to let them in.”
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
By My Final Authority you are Hereby Marked.
there's one specific mention in the bible of abortion. in that mention, it is permitted because the woman's life is considered more valuable. ya might try reading it.
No, "ab*rtion" is mentioned. it's the worst sin possible and worst satanic ritual of all equal to that of cain for Martyring Abel.
mentioned by name.
"pharmacea" (often translated "sorcery") was the ancient word for it.
this specific sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance (the worst of all), Excommunicates Latae Senitentiae TEN TIMES OVER.
3-4 BILLION and counting since 1970 alone, you pay for each by your support.
each sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance incurs special p*n*shment in hell worse than all else, bl*d prices on earth to be paid even if you Repent, immediate d*monic p*ss*ssion, &also to be h*nted by a d*mon who pushes you to s*c*de before you can Repent.
To claim Scripture or any Greater part of The Deposit Of Faith supports the the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance, worst stnic ritual of all, worst s1n of all, worst evl of all is unforgivable blaspheming par excellence. To claim God supports it is worse, but we are already dealing with prices far above what you could fathom many grades behind now.
Not to mention anyone who would claim to write such a thing would be jettisoning themselves away from The Church ten times over, and there as no way to get back in during The Old Covenant.
The Old Testament was Written by Prophets of the Old Covenant. The New Testament was Written by The Last Prophets of the Old Covenant and The First Bishops of The New AND Eternal Covenant.
Scripture is the smallest part of The Deposit Of Faith.
you can recognize Scripture because it comes in the form of 73 books, and all St Polycarp and St John did was collect them in one Library; but since you know nothing of Natural Law and even reject it, you can’t understand anything in Scripture.
Since you reject Natural Law, you have no mean of even realizing Love and Absolute Truth exist. In fact, your sick life is a one-man attack on Love and Absolute Truth. For this reason those like you and marcion and luther et al have no means of even hearing about Magisterium and Sacred Tradition.
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
By any Final Authority you are Hereby Marked.
“abortion” is the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance, worst stnic ritual of all, worst s1n of all, worst evl of all. equal to cain for Martyring Abel, there is no greater evl and nothing incurs a greater pnshment. tangentially supporting it in even the smallest way Excmmunicates Latae Senitentiae all possible 10 times over. Also the ONLY thing evil enough to get the devil’s personal attention.
each sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance incurs special pnshmnt in hll worse than all else, bld prices on earth to be paid even if you Rpent, immediate dmnc pssssion, and also to be hntd by a dmn who pushes you to scde before you can Repent.
My Favorite is a Saint in 200AD was allowed by God to see into hll, and there he witnessed God temporarily bringing down the Babies to perform “The Final Vengeance” on their dmned parents.
Natural Rights:
Life, Holiness, Property, Lethal Self-Defense against ANY who try to break the 4.
Just War states:
- it is a grave sin and makes you fully complicit in evil to do nothing in the face of evil.
- it is a grave sin and makes you fully complicit in evil to not feel anger in the face of evil.
On top of that, unforgivably blaspheming gets you what? Specifically the price of Egypt during the Exodus.
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
By My Final Authority you are Hereby Marked!
Woe Eternal for calling the second worst sin possible as “good,” most unforgivable dmned one. Don’t think I don’t notice that you created two accounts just to post this also.
sdmy is the second sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance. to claim God “created” this, you are unforgivably blaspheming, which is an obvious variant of the third. Not to mention your clear hateful intent to try to Martyr Us, starting with demoralization, which is the worse sin possible.
to call Speaking Love, Absolute Truth, And Natural Law as well as Admonishing the sinner and Instructing the ignorant as “heresy” is not only a total rejection your single means of Salvation, you are unforgivably blaspheming against All In The Church (All Three Persons Of God, All Saints, All Angels, All Poor Souls [Purgatory], All In The Catholic Church past/present/future). Not to mention the intent is to try to Martyr Us, which then doubles this as the worst s1n That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance.
each sin That Cries To Heaven For Vengeance incurs special punishment in hell worse than all else, blood prices on earth to be paid even if you Repent, immediate demonic possession, and also to be hunted by a demon who pushes you to suicide before you can Repent. as with all sins, there is no limit and each and every one is paid in full Eternally and temporally. Since sins That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance makes God Deny His Permissive Will to punish them immediately, they are also paid immediately.
billions to trillions of those, and you did it just to “like” your own post to try to harm who God Loves in revenge for you being Marked by Him.
God To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin:
"they not only fail from resisting this frailty…but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that, for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them…It is disagreeable to the demon, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. It is true that it is the demons who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demons leaves."
your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.
By My Final Authority you are Hereby Marked.
gay people existed before people came up with gods and goddesses.
God Is The Uncreated, Uncontingent Prime Mover Who Creates And Sustains All.
you, like EVERYTHING, are a Created, Contingent being.
unlike much of the rest, We aren't trying to rationalize obstinance in s1n!
All God Does Is For The Good Of The Created.
Existence means you are connected to God, your perception of Reality has no bearing on Reality.
Blessing - Joy Only God Can Give.
pity He's given you no blessing, instead you unforgivably blaspheme, chasing after c4rpses of d4m4ns.
your single interest is in "control," which is the the source of all your issues.
you HAVE to redefine things to your agenda of control because else you cannot "be like gods."
All Contingency Necessitates The Uncontingent. All Causality Necessitates The Uncreated.
the mere denial of God is ritualistic to gnostic ideals of "apotheosis" (LOL).
you cannot be exempt from Faith, Love, Absolute Truth, Natural Law, Magisterium, Sacred Tradition, Scripture, Reason, Logic, et al by calling Reality as mere Catholic “belief” and then claiming by not being Catholic that you are exempt from Reality.
Love Is To Will The Good Of The Other As Other.
Good is what is Rightly Ordered.
Good is as God Created ALL To Be.
Will is the Capability to do Good.
To The Other As Other, means without regard to yourself.
The will can only be utilized when someone understands Good as Good.
Therefore those l1ke you who r4jct Good c4use it reminds you of your evl have n0 will or cp4blty to Love at all.
since you and they have committed even one evl act, therefore you have no will and therefore no capability to Love whatsoever.
therefore you cannot understand Love in ANY capacity, and because of this you cannot understand God.
God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena about the second worst s1n possible of sdmy:
God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin on you:
“They not only fail from resisting this frailty [of fallen human nature]…but do even worse as they commit the cursed sin against nature. Like the blind and stupid having dimmed the light of the understanding, they do not recognize the disease and misery in which they find themselves. For this not only causes Me nausea, but displeases even the demons themselves, whom these miserable creatures have chosen as their lords. For Me, this sin against nature is so abominable that , for it alone, five cities were submersed, by virtue of the judgment of My Divine Justice, which could no longer bear them…It is disagreeable to the demon, not because evil displeases them and they find pleasure in good, but because their nature is angelic and thus is repulsed upon seeing such an enormous sin being committed. It is true that it is the demons who hits the sinner with the poisoned arrow of lust, but when a man carries out such a sinful act, the demons leave."
God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena on you:
"I do not allow en4ms to open the gate of the will that is free. I do let the dvls and other en4ms of humankind beat against other gates, but not against this, which is the main gate guarding the city of the soul. I do not will the soul’s d4th as long as she is not so stpd as to open the gate of her will. They cannot enter unless her own will chooses to let them in.”
your curses are Consummately Returned!
You're going against God's creation. Last time I checked, that's a one way ticket to hell. See you there.
that's funny. of course there's no such thing as a gay "gene. Most immutable characteristics are defined by several genes and other factors, not just a single gene.
We don't have any actual evidence for God, but there's plenty of evidence showing homosexuality to be genetic. I suppose I have to remind myself that most people don't really care about the truth.
What puzzles me is how everyone knows these folks are getting extra financial rewards for pushing this stuff, yet they nevr come out (so to speak) and just say "we did this because we wanted the money." It's always "the fans are a*holes" and "we're just doing real art" and ""nobody's forcing you (but if you want to play our game, you have to pay for this other stuff too!)." I wish they would be honest for a change and just say they wanted the money.
Also, for this game, I think the game-creator is lying to himself. Corporate constantly pressures its subjects to rationalize the intolerable.
This is cringe and gay. Much like Daniel Vavra.
Meloni Mac: 'FAGGOTS!!!"
“Hence, in his treatment of detraction, Aquinas holds that ‘if it is for the sake of something good or necessary that someone utters words by which someone else’s reputation is diminished, then, as long as the right circumstances are preserved, this is not a sin and cannot be called detraction.’ For example, ‘it is not detraction to reveal someone’s hidden sin by denouncing him for the sake of his improvement or by accusing him for the sake of the good of public justice.'"
Jagi has a good post about this today.
Still thinking through it.
One aspect might be, not neutrality, that's the F&G liar-for-$ game mode, but impersonality.
Can one denounce with and to the same degree as one would do had the one being denounced or whose sin is mocked, *not* also injured the denouncer? IOW, is it always detraction, if one has a grudge ; especially a legit one? Human nature being what it is?
I CALLED IT!!!!!!!!!
I love being proven correct.......