Interesting. According to the katakana, Ubisoft isn’t “ooby-soft” but “U.B.I.-soft”, as in Universal Basic Income.

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Anno is the only Ubisoft franchise I care about and I don’t think 117AD will hit the mark. I've got a backlog a mile long, a job and writing to do instead of engaging with ghey corpo slop.

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I noticed how awful modern games, especially Sony games, before I’d even heard of Sweet Baby.

First Horizon game - strong female lead, quirky and sarcastic a bit ‘modern person in backward culture’ but fair enough. I played through twice. The sequel literally unplayable. I stopped after about twenty hours. Every man was a villain or a fool. Every woman a beacon of virtue and strength. Every gay character a saint. One man was an arse, until he became disabled. Then he was instantly redeemed and became a ‘goodie’

A similar thing happened with Spiderman. Loved the first one. And loved Miles Morales stand alone. A bit of politics but hey. Ok. But Spiderman 2. Unbelievable.

Now I won’t buy a AAA game unless I’ve heard someone on line is screaming that it’s some kind of -ist. Then I’ll give it a go.

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In it's own way the AC Shadows thing is impressive. I mean, Japanese (And Japanophile) fans have been waiting years for an AC set in that country's history. It should have been obvious that a Japanese character was what they wanted to play. Give them their own cultural avatar in the series. Instead Ubi had to Westernize it with the West's wokie nonsense (something something colonizers) and managed to alienate millions of potential players and probably "pre-fail" the game. Truly, a level of incompetence that is breathtaking.

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Gamers collectively emulating the happy merchant meme

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