Wotta numpty. We should just shut up and give them our money without thinking. In fact why expect them to provide the game we should just give our money and praise their tiny petty little egos coz they did the best thems could and deserve a trophy/

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“Conform, consume, obey”

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The obtuseness with which leadership of Ubisoft approaches these issues is not surprising. They are a French company which by rote have a particular left-wing agenda in an unconscious manner. It is a part of their culture, increasingly so in modern times, also by rote. The idea that Assassin's Creed is not being impacted by modern agendas is a misnomer. Regardless, I'm still going to buy it and play it because I love Assassin's Creed. If I encounter too many woke concepts, as I determine they are woke, I will make that clearly known and voice my opinion about my experience with the game. From there, I may or may not support Ubisoft moving forward.

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