So SFWA is working hard to cripple GenCon, which is a wholly-owned arm of Hasbeen/WotC? Now that is a pleasant popcorn-worthy diversion. Two parasite organizations, draining the blood out of one another is a positive thing.

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Truly, nothing of value can be lost.

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Sep 12Liked by Fandom Pulse

Whoever loses, we win? At this point, can they even claw back relevance?

It's certainly been interesting how things shake out with people being more open of their hatred and disgust of the woke. Of course though hate be the sword, and disgust the shield what really has been murderering the woke this year is how freely people are not consuming product, and plainly stating that the product sucks.

Gonna be a lotta bats claiming they were never in favour of the woke.

Forgiveness is for the repentant.

The rest go in the book of grudges.

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Sep 13·edited Sep 13

"Gonna be a lotta bats claiming they were never in favour of the woke."

To be fair, and I mean COMPLETELY fair, to most of them, they weren't in favor of the woke, they were just far too weak-minded and cowardly to oppose it.

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Great news

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I wish them God's mercy.

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The 10s were so brutal, watching Gen Con get coopted further and further by the woke lunatics was so hard to see

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