This is important for all of us, to set the legal precedent that work and politics needs to be kept seperated. I'm at work just to sell my labor; my personal life is no one's business at all. We should be judged solely on our contribution to the profitability.

Once I walk out the door, my life is my own. Full stop.

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People who worship at the trans altar don’t feel that your personal life is yours…they are all into control!

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In California with its anti-political discrimination laws, this could be a "how many zeroes would you like on that check" kinda trial.

Disney delenda est.

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I love Gina!!

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Forcing people to advertise their pronouns lol

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"My Gracious Lord and Master"

"Most Beneficent Leader"

"Your Lordship"

Pronouns are easy when you try, not that Gina had to offer any up herself.

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She ultimately settled on beep, bop, boop and that’s part of why they canned her.

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Good for Gina. That's as rational as anyone should be with these reprobates.

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Hey, they're R2D2's pronouns.

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When anyone demands to know my pronouns I tell them sure, they’re fuck and you.

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Great reply! I don’t answer or maybe say , “ shee -it”

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This is sick. Beyond anything I could have imagined.

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Crazy s*** had no idea that it was this bad

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Where have you been?!? It’s really fucking bad out there. I knew it was going to get really bad in the 80s when they took babies away from their mother and put them with strangers and nobody was fucking objecting.!!!

Well, people were object, but they censored those people so it looked like nobody was objecting

I saw Regis Filburn shouldn’t five year old still be with the mother? They had fake boos from the audience, and I found out A lot of people were clapping. And I should’ve known that because when I was 10, the mayor was talking in my school was visiting. Everybody was booing because they hated the mayor and they had a record player that had clapping on it for the news

I should’ve fucking known Just try taking a baby away from any other mother on earth besides human and they will rip you apart. Even snakes and spiders make better mothers than American mothers.

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Holy moly

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Disney+ & Lucasfilm are execrable examples of corporate bullies using totalitarian tactics to foster mind control on actors who disagree on specific topics promoted by the bigoted far left. These 2 companies are disgusting in their use if such communist tactics. I could never enjoy a film made by these repulsive freedom-hating sewers promoting unhealthy, deviant lifestyles. It begs the question what kind of sick twisted messaging these 2 vile companies are pumping young minds. Bravo, Gina, for standing up this communist bullying!

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“ Re- education”! Now why does that sound a bit familiar? Maybe something to do with China? The Cultural Revolution? Or maybe something to do with Stalin….the Gulag? Oh,Disney, you are so ..I just don’t know…mixed up?

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Someone needs to perform a murder-spree at the House of Mouse...cull that herd of enemy indoctrinationists.

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