While I certainly agree with what’s said in the article, I do have to say that — while I expect Andor season 2 to be awful (because that is what Disney does), Andor season 1 was the only Disney Star Wars tv show that I enjoyed. I not only enjoyed it, but loved it.

And the show’s ability to make me care about Mon Mothma (pictured there) of all the people in the Star Wars universe was nothing short of fantastic.

So that photo is just about the only photo of a woman under Disney’s new Star Wars mess who is a bad example of the franchise going to pot.

If anyone checks out anything at all from Disney, it should be Rogue One and Andor season 1. Not that I endorse giving Disney money.

(Edit: I got confused a second there, and didn't realize you were the writer on fandom pulse, so you did choose the image.)

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Do IPs in other countries like Japan or other places suffer from this? Dragon Ball Z has been going on for decades but it has a way more positive public opinion than say Star Wars does.

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While some of the video is more applicable to comics & games, Hollywood has been doing this kind of thing to IPs since even before the first films of Dracula and Frankenstein, and that was before SJW activism was barely a twinkle in a professor's eye. To be sure, those original artists weren't around, but film treatment of novels and such has always been rather cavalier.

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It all has a single definition: consumerist materialism. The only way not to be part of it is to have a deep ethnocultural identity that allows one not to be influenced by the decadent modern world.

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