'Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2' Patch Adds Disclaimer To Codex Entry That Hans Capon Is 20 Years-Old
A new patch for Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 has added a disclaimer that Warhorse Studios took “poetic license” with Hans Capon and turned him into a 20 year-old.
In the original Kingdom Come: Deliverance the codex entry for Hans Capon indicated he was born around 1388 and died in 1419. It stated, “The underage son of Jan Jesek Ptacek and Hedvika of Dauba. After the death of his father, his family, the Lords of Leipa - his uncle Jindrich (Henry), and son Hanus (Hanush) and his brothers, became his guardians.”
Given the game takes place in 1403, Capon was around the age of 15 based on the 1388 date. However, it’s possible he could have been younger or older.
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Czech website Stredovek, which is dedicated to Czech history, also notes that Jan was born sometime before 1398.
It also states that his son Hynek was born sometime in the early 15th century. It does not provide a specific date.
Furthermore, it was documented in 1408 what Ptáček’s dowry for his wife Jitka was.
Czech website Jiskra also noted that Hans Capon or Jan Ptáček did not even come of age until 1406.
A machine translation from the site states, “Ješek Ptáček was already a fifty-year-old man when his son Jan was born. He took refuge in Polná Castle and left the Ratajské dominion to his son Jan, who came of age in 1406.”
On top of all of this was former Warhorse Studios Social Media Manager Jiří Rýdl noted in a post on the Kingdom Come: Deliverance Steam forums back in 2022 that the original intention for Henry, the game’s main protagonist, was that he was “in teen age.”
He wrote, “The original idea was Henry is in teen age. Remember that in medieval time you are taken almost adult in 14-16, helping with the work already from 10-12, some girls alraedy (sp?) married in 15 etc. Of course the actor is older, the movements of the character scaned (s[?) in the motion capture studio are ‘adult’, so you have rather impression of a guy in twenties.”
However, he added, “But the idea was he is very young, uneducated, unexperienced teenager and before end of KCD he actually become a man, not aging of course, but in the similar way boys become men, rather inside.”
He concluded writing, “I hope I explained it a little bit more. In the end, doesn’t matter, the important is the emotional connection you get to Henry on his way, I believe.”
When Kingdom Come: Deliverance II launched, Warhorse Studios changed the codex entry for Hans Capon despite the game still taking place in 1403. It removed the descriptor that he was “underage.”
Instead, it stated, “Son of Jan Jesek Ptacek and Hedvika of Dauba. After the death of his father, Jan Jesek, the Lords of Leipa (uncle Henry, his son Hanush and his brothers) became his guardians.”
As discovered by users of the Kiwi Farms forum and brought to this author’s attention by YouTuber What The Egad, Warhorse added a disclaimer to Hans Capon’s codex entry in a recent patch of the game.
At the end of the codex entry it now states, “Unlike his historical precursor, however, we took the poetic license of making Hans Capon a twenty-year-old man in our game.”
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The addition of this disclaimer was not noted in the game’s patch notes.
It is uncertain why the disclaimer was added to the codex entry, but Warhorse Studios Creative Director Daniel Vavra was previously confronted with the idea that a depiction of sodomy in the game between Hans Capon and Henry was in reality a depiction of child sodomy. Vavra responded to this writing on X, “Imagine that women at the time were married at the age of 12 and had children. Also they needed witnesses during first sex.”
The individual retorted, “If you were aiming for historical accuracy, why are there no children in the game? Because they could be killed? Killing them is bad, but having sex with them is fine? Ok bud.”
Vavra replied, “So there are no children, but Capon is a child and... You seem kinda lost...”
"The individual then replied, “So Capon is the only child in the game, and coincidentally, it is possible to have sex with him. You were lost when you designed the game.”
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Five days later, Vavra issued another statement, “Jan Ptáček (Hans Capon) is a historical character. His date of birth is UNKNOWN and is probably BEFORE 1388. He got married in 1403 (year of KCD events). His son was born in 1404 - famous Hynce Ptáček who helped king Jiří z Poděbrad to the throne. There are no children in KCD.”
He also added, “His marriage is actually part of the story of KCD.”
What do you make of Warhorse Studios adding this disclaimer?
If certain developers weren't so gung-ho about putting LGBT pedophilia in games, they wouldn't need to backtrack and age characters.
Maybe developers need to go back to making general-population games that everyone will want to play. Stop pushing LGBT+ pedophilia. Gays don't want it, lesbians don't want it, bisexuals don't want it. Only the mentally ill men in dresses seem to want it.
They are trying to hide the child abuse they put in their game, but only after the backlash.