If certain developers weren't so gung-ho about putting LGBT pedophilia in games, they wouldn't need to backtrack and age characters.

Maybe developers need to go back to making general-population games that everyone will want to play. Stop pushing LGBT+ pedophilia. Gays don't want it, lesbians don't want it, bisexuals don't want it. Only the mentally ill men in dresses seem to want it.

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They are trying to hide the child abuse they put in their game, but only after the backlash.

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Only if Daniel Vavra went "Ooops. We suck at math. Thanks!" The lack of transparency continues. How hard would it have been to add "Updated lore codex entry." and leave it at that?

So much conflict could have been avoided and energy saved.

It IS HOWEVER CURIOUS that folks that were so quick to call social justice warrior junk disguised under the term "Woke" (credit to Voxday for pointing out the shell game in terms of naming) ignored the fact that Blackrock owns Embracer Group.

A smart person follows the evidence even if it leads them to discomfort or potentially upsets them. Garbage in, garbage out. The best and most solid analysis becomes worthless if the evidence/source data is bad or inaccurate in some way.

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Commie-Nazi-Jews say 'Jump', Vavra says 'How high?

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