Daniel Vávra, the Creative Director for Kingdom Come: Deliverance II confirms the game does include at least one homosexual scene in the game.
In a post to Facebook, Vávra wrote, “So after the leftists cursing me at Nazi’s for 10 years, now Nazi’s cursing at Jews because Saudi Arabia might want to ban KCD because of the homosexual scene.”
Vavra’s comments come in the wake of numerous reports that the game was banned in Saudi Arabia.
Saudi-based outlet True Gaming reported the game was banned in Saudi Arabia, “We have received official confirmation that Kingdom Come: Deliverance II has not been cleared for release in Saudi Arabia by the General Authority for Media Regulation.”
The outlet added, “The reason is that it violates one of the terms of the classification and clearance systems for video games, and the publisher's unwillingness to make the required modification to the content.”
It is unclear at this time what term the game violated. There was a rumor that it was banned for “unskippable gay scenes.”
That rumor was reported by VGA4A on X, “Urgent and official: Kingdom Come Deliverance II banned in Saudi Arabia, due to unskippable gay scenes in story mode.”
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However, the original Arabic can be translated in a number of different ways as a source informed Fandom Pulse. It can be translated as saying it is “showing anomaly scenes that cannot be tolerated,” or “unskippable scenes of deviance in story mode,” or “showing deviance scenes that cannot be tolerated.”
Of note, in the outlet’s coverage on its website, machine translation does not mention the term “gay.” Instead it notes the outlet reported, “It seems that the picture has become clear now, as the fate of the game will be to be banned from publication in the region”
The article added, “The game has been banned in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia because it contains an immoral scene that promotes hidden agendas in video games.”
Furthermore, it noted, “The source also indicated that the game developer refused to release a revised version specific to the region, which led to the ban decision.”
Another report from Grant Taylor-Hill at Insider Gaming also detailed that the game does include LGBTQ+ “romantic conversation options.”
He wrote, “Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 does feature sexual sequences and nudity, but so far during my preview of the game, I’ve yet to stumble upon any LGBTQ themes bar a couple of romantic conversation options with a same-sex character.”
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It’s still unclear how the homosexuality is depicted in the game. However, if Taylor-Hill’s report is accurate it appears to be depicting it in a positive light, which is evil.
Nevertheless, how it depicts the sin is important because one can include a depiction of a moral evil as long as it is depicts as evil.
Pope Paul VI explained in Inter Mirifica, “The narration, description or portrayal of moral evil, even through the media of social communication, can indeed serve to bring about a deeper knowledge and study of humanity and, with the aid of appropriately heightened dramatic effects, can reveal and glorify the grand dimensions of truth and goodness. Nevertheless, such presentations ought always to be subject to moral restraint, lest they work to the harm rather than the benefit of souls, particularly when there is question of treating matters which deserve reverent handling or which, given the baneful effect of original sin in men, could quite readily arouse base desires in them.”
This is not just done in storytelling, but as St. Clement of Alexandria notes, God did this when he destroyed Sodom.
“The fate of the Sodomites was judgment to those who had done wrong, instruction to those who hear. The Sodomites, through much luxury, fell into uncleanness, practicing adultery shamelessly and burning with insane love for boys; the all-seeing Word, whose notice those who commit impieties cannot escape, cast his eye on them. The sleepless guard of humanity did not observe their licentiousness in silence; but to dissuade us from imitating them, and training us to own temperance, falling on some sinners, lest unavenged lust break loose from the restraints of fear, ordered Sodom to be burned, pouring forth a little of the sagacious fire on licentiousness; lest lust, through want of punishment, should wide the gates to those who were rushing into voluptuousness. Accordingly, the just punishment of the Sodomites became an image of salvation that is well calculated for me. For those who have not committed sins like those who were punished, will never receive a like punishment.”
What do you make of Vavra’s comments?
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Again, this guy called his detractors “nazis” a few days ago in a more informal setting.
his game is one long pro-hussite, anti-Catholic struggle session, and the hussites were a major inspiration for the real-life nsdap.
Not to mention his pro-hussite racial supremacism is based on soviet era “propaganda” fabricating bs to stop the new citizenry of the area from becoming Catholic again.
More amusingly the trans-ww2 populace of the “czech republic” are half-russian, half-arab (or half-kazar) partisans who were sent to the area by stalin under the promise that if they systematically exterminated the existing German population, they could keep the land.
So here’s the facts:
1) the actual “nazis” are the spiritual successors of the group vavra made his game to promote.
2) everything vavra believes about “history” is a soviet lie.
3) vavra’s family is guaranteed to have personally taken part in the mass rape and murders of the actual last living bohemians.
The conclusions are thus:
1) LOL
2) their “tricks” ALWAYS come back to bite them.
Melonie Mac Voice: " FAGGOTS!"