Again, this guy called his detractors “nazis” a few days ago in a more informal setting.

his game is one long pro-hussite, anti-Catholic struggle session, and the hussites were a major inspiration for the real-life nsdap.

Not to mention his pro-hussite racial supremacism is based on soviet era “propaganda” fabricating bs to stop the new citizenry of the area from becoming Catholic again.

More amusingly the trans-ww2 populace of the “czech republic” are half-russian, half-arab (or half-kazar) partisans who were sent to the area by stalin under the promise that if they systematically exterminated the existing German population, they could keep the land.

So here’s the facts:

1) the actual “nazis” are the spiritual successors of the group vavra made his game to promote.

2) everything vavra believes about “history” is a soviet lie.

3) vavra’s family is guaranteed to have personally taken part in the mass rape and murders of the actual last living bohemians.

The conclusions are thus:

1) LOL

2) their “tricks” ALWAYS come back to bite them.

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You Anglo-Saxons should not point the finger at anyone when it comes to spreading sexual degenerations. National Socialist Germany burned pornographic books and transsexual propaganda created by the jew Magnus Hirshfield, you instead spread them all over the world. Is that why you destroyed Europe?

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Melonie Mac Voice: " FAGGOTS!"

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More “golems,” but that’s funny if she says that often.

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The story can be moved forward without a gay sex scene. NO story has been enhanced, advanced, or even moved at all with written/graphical sex.

I'll give an example:

Seeing Linda Hamilton's bewbs in Terminator did nothing to continue the story (it's quite easy to reveal Reece was the father of John Connor without Linda going native in poorly lit sex scenes). It was put in, along with the hyper-violence which DID advance the story, to get a hard "R" rating. As a teen, it was titillating to see Linda's tiny little boobs... but as an adult, I can tell it did nothing to advance the story or create anything but a giant e-brake on the pacing, that was already slowed by the break in pursuit... You could have within the time that scene was played intimacy without nudity, and like television of old with standards-and-practices, a bed scene without the unstylish bumping of uglies that Cameron I guess thought was high art. It is simple. Porn is a dopamine hit. Nothing more. It doesn't heighten awareness of a story, nor does it forward a plot... (even the "plot" of 70's porn wasn't moved along by the acts themselves... I know, radical concept!)

I get that some people have proclivities to see it. In fiction, they like to read twilight fanfic turned into porn for women, okay... they can have that. In games like this.. which do NOT focus on these sorts of things, even though the creator says "role playing", it is NOT needed and is a needless distraction to garner publicity. I'm afraid he is getting the WRONG publicity. And if he thinks this will make the game sell more copies, I've got a bridge in Brooklyn to sell... hardly used.

Role Playing is an escape from reality... the sweat, tears, and tedium of the real world. Wandering the wasteland, Tamriel, or similar place is not about getting sneaky-freaky with a green alien woman. Even when Kirk was getting the alien chick, it wasn't necessary to see him slapping dat-a$$ to get the point across. I am not old-fashioned...but there are places, and content, that satisfy the itch that this developer thinks he's scratching.

Asinine comments aside, he isn't doing himself any favors. And he is not reading the room. Sometimes it takes sticking the fork into the socket for some people to get the point. Sorry, but you can keep your degeneracy. I'll play something else.

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He's a typical czech butt bitch, like his first game already showed hate for germans and hungarians. Screw this a-hole and his gay "game". Enjoy getting bankrupt you wannabe poser.

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What is the difference in degeneracy between showing homosexuality and showing fornication? Aren’t both degenerate sins which will hurt the viewer when show explicitly?

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It looks like they called it "Deliverance" for a reason... (Cue banjo music.)

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If everyone is where they are supposed to be, and that includes a homosexual scene in a medieval game, then you can live with the consequences of Saudi Arabia blocking it.

Not everyone shares your viewpoint.

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At this point, even if the rumors are unfounded the devs deserve what they're getting. It isn't hard to say your game isn't gay.

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