More confirmation that canceling my pre-order of this game was the right thing to do. I'm not going to support the company that created this game. Zero tolerance for woke garbage.

Adding that crap to the game was not needed and shows what kind of person Vavra is.

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What the actual f**k. Quite telling that the only underage romance partner in the game is the homosexual one. Tells you everything you need to know about the people pushing that lifestyle. Even other homosexuals will speak out against pedophilia, but not Vavra, I guess.

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Whoa. Pedo alert. This is wrong. Holy shit.

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Adulthood prior to 1870 was 13. There is a difference however between what is Natural and what vavra is promoting. Not to mention that vavra is clearly making his game on modern sensibilities.

If this bit of "subversiveness" would not have gained such a scandalous reaction, vavra would have no interest in making the game let alone adding this in on purpose.

I'm sure the game is wall to wall unforgivable blaspheming just like the first is, just more "mask off" than before.

As stated in the other thread, this is vavra's religion rearing it's ugly, satanic head. he reveals bits of the talmud, but only parts at a time.

his curses are Consummately Returned!

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What this basically confirms is that Vavra sees nothing wrong with the scene. Telling.

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It's not surprising at all. I'm sure if people look into it further they'll find more things in the game and in real life. I won't be playing this game. Never got around to playing the first one, and never will.

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What's funny is that if you go to the Stram Page for this Trash, you see in the Negative Reviews that many people are refunding the Game.

Sadly many people find the Game the Trash that it is past 2 hours and can't refund, but want to.

Best yet if you know Steam, you know it's not hard to get an "Overwhelmingly Positive" score on the Reviews, but this trash is just "Very Positive". So most people DONT like the Game and are already shïtting on it.

This is what these retărds deserve.......

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Report the game on Steam store for child exploit. I would report for the gov too just to be safe, if they are not doing anything wrong nothing will happen.

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Vavra caved and is a cuck now…

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Very dishonest this Vavra guy is.

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The "ItS OpTiOnAl" argument is the 2025 Smooth Brain hot take of the year so far

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Saying it's optional is like telling someone to eat around the rat droppings in his salad.

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1) The game is NOT woke. Woke is propaganda (agit-prop), this game isn't lauding this activity, permits it, but calls it a sin. Killing (murder) is allowed in game but if caught, IS a sin and punished severely.

2) Vavra sold out based on the stance he took on the first game that Henry was NOT gay; gay isn't a choice or is it? If so, then they don't deserve to be called a "special class" or "an oppressed minority" in the US; thus ending Woke-ness.

3) If this game was made in 2012; it wouldn't be a thing, couldn't make Commander Sheppard romance gay Adain? But after 10 to 15 years of WOKE tyranny the American people (heck, Western audiences) in general have had enough; hate it and are rejecting it for the poison it is.

I kept my pre-order, came close to cancelling and chose to keep it and this is how I fell on the issue. I will not romance Hans. Love the sinner but hate the sin.

That said, Vavra in his response made the situation worse by NOT being honest up front, stating the change and the why (that Embraer Group - his bosses, forced the issue). That he had a choice to include this Role-Playing option or otherwise not being able to make his game as opposed to attacking his upset customers.

As for the pedo stuff - 15 in the "Middle Ages" wasn't considered underage; still for a "Christian" game it's another blow - no pun intended.

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I'd be tempted to agree with you except i haven't heard anything about the possibility of the perps being stoned to death. That would lend credibility to your "keeping it real" argument.

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I think if you Murder you are beheaded by the "executioner" I saw that on Youtube as for the punishment for being caught buggering, don't know & I don't care as that activity doesn't interest me; so, I'll never find out, unless someone leaks it on Youtube - for me it's a small matter insofar as it's not in my face, easily avoidable, and not part of the story - so I don't care. It's like "whatever" - if a homo is happy doing this, that's on them. I may romance the girls - I might kill everyone...after all it's just a game - it's not real or that important. So long as it's not trying to propagandize me by forcing the activity on me or making that the focus of the game...or lecturing me about. Just want a good story, a decent distraction and a fun time. Then I got to go back to real life.

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Woke isn't just propaganda. Remember the left changed what woke is.

Woke is no longer SJW related.

Woke now means all things that bastardize social and traditional norms. This means odd alternatives to what God intended things to be. This includes lore based things that have been altered.

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Well, you've got a point but only half the story.

Social Justice IS communism. It doesn't really change. It just morphed from Class Struggle to Gender/Sex/Race struggle. That's the change.

Moreover, behind "communism" is Satanism. Karl Marx and the British Communists (the infiltrators - what we have here in the USA); as opposed to the Militant (communism by the sword Stalin-ist & the Mao-ist cult of personality/communism as a religion types) - ARE globalist-Satan-ists.

And "demons" can't create; they can only pervert and corrupt (bastardize). That IS woke ... a corruption.

But homosexuals have been around forever. Vavra said, you can be "gay" in KCD2 but it's a SIN.

As a Christian I must answer Evil with Love to defeat it. So, homosexuals are people too; so how to defeat sin? Hate the sin BUT love the sinner.

That means you don't have to condone the behavior and can repudiate it but you must also treat them with love, respect and compassion, as flawed humans and leave their choices and souls ... in God's hands.

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Disgusting gay jew phaggot every single time

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"15 in the middle ages was legal". Yes, but homosexuality was death penalty, fornication was a hard crime and you could very well expect to be chopped up by the dinhonoured clan on top of that.

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y'all a bunch of losers lol

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Found the pedo.

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your curses are Consummately Returned!

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ok pedo

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