"What do you think of Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day virtue signal?"


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Vomit inducing. I quit collecting and reading comics back in 1994 when I thought the Inferno crossover was the height of bad ideas for Marvel. Every so often I peek to see if things are improving, aaaaaannnd... I find out this crap. Gaslit anarcho-commie wish fulfillment mental illness on display. There is no virtue, nor signal. Just the white noise of insane people powertripping with the corpses of once good IPs and companies. And before you say "but indie comics..." no. Sorry. Not interested in recommendations anymore. If I find something that catches my eye, I'll pick it up on the QT and brag about it if it does live up to the hype. Right now, indie entertainment quality for me is batting about .195 for seriously good quality.

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