I don’t give a rip about the influencer takes. What’s needed here is attorneys and police.

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I'm not taking decency lessons from the tattooed thot with the choker.

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She ain't wrong, though.

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Never said she was. The point is that she is not exactly the person to speak on the topic making the whole article silly.

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Then why is she promoting Virtue?

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You're asking why someone might virtue signal?

To look good by condemning bad behavior in others without actually practicing virtue by removing one's own bad behavior.

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Such ideas never arrive out of thin air. The lead up and stanning for perversion, deviance, and blatant wickedness will not be excused away.

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I don't care who tells it, the truth is the truth. If this is correct, and given the developer's attitude towards perversion and degeneracy in this game I'm not surprised. Upset and disgusted but not surprised.

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I don't care what she says anymore. She had a Mask Off Moment when she used her stupid Religious Beliefs to advocate for Censorship.

She says she "doesn't want" the half naked Ladies in First Decedent's, but praised Stellar Blade for Eve's outfits and looks. She also LOVES Lara Croft who is a 1/4 naked Woman, as well as clear Fan Service when she was created. Melonie even tried to defend Lara Croft by saying she is wearing "hiking gear". Anyone who has been hiking knows that IS NOT hiking gear, and the mosquitos and thorn bushes would love that outfit.

She is a fraud and a Snake in the Grass when it comes to Anti-Woke......

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Censorship is a Good and Holy thing when used to remove evil.

the problem is you used it to hide Reality as well as God And His Church.

Perhaps she meant something other than hiking but didn’t have the words for it in the moment.

If we banned coomers like you from society, all evils would go away tomorrow. Like the marquis de sade said when explaining how he would lead the freemasons to take over France in three generations:

1) first promote pornography as sexual sin makes people a shareholder in satanism and so therefore will always go to bat for evil and will always overlook it because they know they are next if the satanists are ever exterminated.

2) promote sodomy and confusion to children (the term “gay” for them is a direct reference to his satanic clowns the “gay scientists” who would murder and sodomize each other in public once children gathered around), while also pushing criminals towards being rapists of which the porn addicted fathers cannot and will not stand up for their daughters and sons because they are also guilty of sexual sin.

3) make the confused kids practice the occult, as there is a direct line from sexual sin to devilry: evil is stupid metastasized, sexual sin make you both depraved and stupid, a dead soul makes one both bored and boring, and devilry is just stupidity mixed with boredom.

then there will be mass Martyrdoms in the street in delusion that it will somehow make your or their sin go away.

the five-steps of the reprobate:

1) giving yourself over to sin because you were brainw*shed into thinking you had usurped Divine Will.

2) realizing that was a mistake, you erroneously think denying God will make your shame over sin go away.

3) realizing that doesn’t work, you erroneously think attacking Christians will make your shame over sin go away.

4) realizing that doesn’t work, you erroneously think Martyring Christians will make your shame over sin go away.

5) realizing that doesn’t work, suicide.

your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer.

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Just want to put this out there.

The idiot NIGELTEAPOT pulled the Ultimate Bïtch Move of a Comment Then Block.

I STILL can see your stupid Comment in my Email, and you are an idiot.

You idiots promote Censorship, but ONLY what you don't like. You retărds are JUST like the Left in every way and are also a problem.

No one cares about your Religion, just like no one cares about a Leftists Feelings.

Grow up........

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Well, he's not wrong when saying marriages and unions were at low ages back then... and the sheets of beds of newlyweds were inspected to make sure the woman (or girl actually) was a virgin in fact.

Even today, the legal age of consent in many countries varies between 11 and 21. If you average that out, guess what it comes to be? 16.

So, is this as egregious a case in our modern world with our modern morals? Not really. The only thing that stands at as scandal for this medieval time period the game takes place in is the sodomy itself, not the age.

That said, even if this was historically accurate in a sense, I think it wasn't a good idea to include this for multiple reasons. One, it's still gross, and two, it obviously panders to a demographic that doesn't give a damn about their games anyway and they managed to piss other people off in the process.

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The "age of consent" does not apply to gay sex. Nor do "marriages" or "unions". This is a man sodomizing a child.

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@ Enwar - That is a valid point I may have missed. I can't really find what the age of consent is for gay sex in the world today, although I would venture a guess the apple does not fall too far from the tree, least not in Western countries. Regardless, we are in agreeance that this content shouldn't be in the game.

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"The only thing that stands at as scandal for this medieval time period the game takes place in is the sodomy itself, not the age."

There's no point in diminishing the rhetorical pit that Vavra dug himself into. Let him twist himself into pretzels defending the grooming of young men to be sodomized.

Let people bear the full consequences of their errors, to build a beautiful Moral Wall that everyone will be protected by.

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I already stated this was a bad decision on their part in my post, so we agree!

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There’s a hundred things you and vavra cannot and will not know about.

protestant rhetoric filtered through soviet rhetoric filtered through an open stnist with j parents.

it’s just sins That Cry To Heaven For Vengeance piling on top of each other.

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I don't really know what you're saying to be honest. Something about me being an ungodly deceiver? You can try and clarify if you like.

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