Jul 24·edited Jul 24Liked by Fandom Pulse

Regardless of which side you are on, the truly despicable people here are the ones attempting to plaster this over for their own profit. Either Gaiman is innocent and deserves a fair hearing of facts, or one or more women have a case against him. None of the primary parties in this event are well served and this will only drag out while other parties profit by it.

The media, comic book, and Hollywood Omelas lovers need to be called out and pilloried as the pimps they are for subverting justice.

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Well, Gaiman was perfectly willing to support the "believe all women" nonsense until to came for him.

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I'm not defending him or his accusers. Too many people are willing to jump into taking one side or the other, instead of looking at associated and more demonic villains in this mix. These twisted immoral freaks covering up one or both sides are worthy of scorn regardless of who is in the wrong. They want Gaiman protected for reasons of money or power, and don't give a damn who gets destroyed as long as they profit by it. People should be demanding millstones for these subhuman monsters, but instead focus on the sexual accusations at a he said, she said level.

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deletedJul 25
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Grow up and learn to read for comprehension.

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Bloody hell! This is the first I've heard of these accusations and I've been a fan of Neil's for 20 years now. I've actually met the man. If the allegations are true I hope the full force of the lore comes at him and the women get at least some semblance of comfort. On a (admittedly selfish) personal note, I'm so sick of people I once looked up to being unveiled as utterly trash humans.

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It sounds like Vox Day was right about Mr. Tubcuddle.

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What a surprise, older man takes advantage of young women.

Gather your pitchforks and rotten vegetables everybody!

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I would love to throw rotten vegetables at that man, it has to be said. Shoving your fingers up the babysitters ass - within minutes of meeting her & without consent - deserves all that and more, especially when said babysitter was younger than both of your own daughters and you were 62 years old at the time. The fact that he has repeatedly used his autism as an excuse for this behaviour as well? Absolutely ridiculous. And threatening suicide as well… like a teenager. He’s old enough to be my grandad and I am embarrassed for him.

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