They are trying to play the normies, but we've already seen the monsters working on this woke garbage. The rule still applies - don't give money to people who hate you.

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I'll take, 'Adding things into my game to reduce sales for $1,000 Alex.' Any product owner should know you add in things which will increase the interest to a greater degree than they decrease interest.

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i’ve never seen so many evil fake christian’s, who r so low iq that deny intersex is real. sex and gender isn’t a binary intersex proves this so ya trans is real. what’s vile is this demon who called trans people vile. trans people aren’t ever going away so u better get use to it. and it’s fine u don’t have to call anyone anything, but i can also misgender u or anyone who misgenders trans people and i do. i call people the opposite of what they say they r if they deny the same respect to trans people. fake christian who attacks marginalized people. games aren’t gonna stop putting pronouns bro that ain’t gonna happen. u fragile snowflakes need to get over it. we don’t want your fake version of christianity shoved down our throats. u preach a fake version of god. jesus is nothing like u, jesus would love the trans person not call humans he made “vile”. what’s vile is calling trans people vile, now that’s what’s vile. what a gross excuse for a human. yuck, ick, puke….

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Feb 19Edited

Complete utter trash.

As soon as I seen the character creator I knew there would be a problem, all the options for males make them look like fairies just like Dragon Age. As soon as I seen the tranny selector I uninstalled immediately.

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After centuries of evolution and culture, the human brain hasn't changed it's perception of beauty by much. Pictures of the original Cleopatra are still hot. Photos of Adonis still make women swoon.

This trans activism in games is not ever going to normalize a woman with huge muscles or a man with breasts.

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