Ridiculous! Receipt of Deception. The Word of God is spirit and truth. The shroud is a waste of time and worse it is a deception which only creates doubt and deception. Thursday evening as I glanced upon the story I was immediately bothered by the number of, (5), Cover Pages with a Title Heading which printed the name of Our God in small print. This was a reference to “the god of this world”, (Satan). I then wrote a two hour piece against the nonsense of the shroud by speaking The Holy Scriptures in detail, explaining “through scripture” the steps to Faith in God through Christ Jesus His Son. The title page has been cleaned up, but when I looked foe my multi-page comment, the site read, “no comments have been received”. My comment may or may not be found. I will re-write my comment and post, hopefully today. In Matthew 16 : 17 Lord Jesus says, blessed are you Simon Barjona for flesh and blood have not revealed this, ( Christs Sonship ), but my Father in heaven. (has made this revelation). And so it is with all spirit and truth Our Lord spoke. Until God reveals His Word, it is seen through a glass darkly.

And many, many pretenders have nothing to do, save promote confusion, doubt and lies; because they do not know The Truth.

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As a Post-Script:

The Church Is The Eternal, Indefectible, Immutable, Indestructible, And Most Of All Catholic Body And Bride Of Christ; The Perfection Of Israel. Created By The Holy Spirit In 33AD. Everything Promised To Israel And Man is Perfected In The Church In Full.

The Church Created All you know, don't know, & all you take for granted. without your Remaining Catholic Capital, you lose it all. you are personally, deservedly, in the process of this.

you cannot deny this! no matter how hard you commit s*c*de in denial of Reality, Reality remains.

Scripture Is The Word Of God And Inerrant.

The Old Testament is The Writing of The Prophets of The Old Covenant, with The New Testament being written by The Last Prophets of The Old Covenant and The First Bishops of The New And Eternal Covenant aka The One, Holy, Catholic, Apostolic Church.

Scripture is the smallest part of The Deposit Of Faith. you can recognize it because it comes in the form of 73 books, and all St Polycarp and St John did was collect them in one Library; but since you know nothing of Natural Law and even reject it, you can’t understand anything in Scripture.

Since you reject Natural Law, you have no mean of even realizing Love and Absolute Truth exist. In fact, your sick life is a one-man attack on Love and Absolute Truth. For this reason those like you and marcion and luther et al have no means of even hearing about Magisterium and Sacred Tradition.

The Church Wrote this Book for a singular purpose of internal use. How precisely could the Book We Wrote contradict even the smallest part of Us. It doesn’t, obviously, but you write your own and try to piggyback off the name to cause confusion and dmned souls.

Many point out the absurdity how you worship a book, but then change it to say anything you want and to edit it into oblivion. Of course I’ve never met one protestant who is against this process only offended that it was found out, Truth never enters into the equation just the raw “ye will be like gods” impetus to the capitl s1n of pr1de by making “The Word Of God” say whatever you personally want.

Again, your software updates and future mutations made use of this unforgivable blaspheming to great effect to ram to the extreme every evil and corruption that you began.


your curses are once more Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer!

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The Word Of God Is Two Things:

1) Logos (which you are unforgivably blaspheming here).

2) The Title Of A Book The Church Wrote For A Specific Purpose (the same one you pretend to worship while changing it to say whatever you want at the time).

The Shroud Of Turin Is Real. Like countless other Holy Relics Of The Church.

They’ve been used time and again to kill your “gods” over and over, and defeat your ancestors, and so you are rather bitter in your blasphemies. Of course it’s also something you cannot control and so the main string to your narcissism.

Anything that makes you look outside yourself frightens you, what you cannot control frightens you, all because contrary to your false “righteousness” (which would normally mean God-fearing) you like God being far away and not in focus. With this you can appear to be “worshiping God” when in reality you are trying to present your ego as a replacement for God. Impossible to do that with God In Clear View, With Right Worship, And With Actual Rigteousness and so you scream like a demon about to be Exorcised!

Worse you HATE The Church Being Clearly What She Is. you want The Authority Of The Church yourself, you want The Position Of The Blessed Virgin Mary. Impossible to claim either when The Rightful Occupants Are On Their Thrones In Plain Sight! therefore the aforementioned demented screaming like a demon about to be Exorcised.

The Shroud of Turin is a 3 dimensional photograph that could have only been made with an explosion of 34 trillion or so watts of energy. Yet the planet it still here. This is because there is nothing destructive about the presence of God.

There are attempts to discredit it that are very loud, which are in turn discredited quietly.

Just like the Shroud of Turin was claimed to be fake in the 80's, but that study was discredited despot it being dragged out by "atheists" regularly.

The hundreds of other tests on it confirm it and the reports say shocking things about it like being a photograph that would have required 34 trillion watts of power to make a photograph on such material. Or how the dna matches the Eucharistic miracles tha turn into heart tissue.

Things you run away from because you love your sin and hate Truth.

God Himself To St Catherine Of Siena The Seraphic Virgin about why you are this way and why We in The Church are not:

“I do not allow enemies to open the gate of the will that is free. I do let the devils and other enemies of humankind beat against other gates, but not against this, which is the main gate guarding the city of the soul. I do not will the soul’s death as long as she is not so stupid as to open the gate of her will. They cannot enter unless her own will chooses to let them in.”

your curses are Consummately Returned back to whence they came with A St Michael Prayer and A St Benedict Prayer!

By My Final Authority you are Hereby Marked!

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