Write something that people want to watch and your ratings will increase.

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Here's a fun question for the audience. Has anybody met anybody in real normie life that actually actively watches the current run of Doctor Who? Or is it just people running it as some background noise and not much else. I ask because I so rarely hear of anybody talking about these shows outside of the botting and throttling of the 21st century internet that I'm starting to wonder if even the audience ratings are just mostly fake at this point or artificially pumped up.

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Dr. Who no longer exists.

The show suffered a mortal wound during Matt Smith's tenure when they retooled the show to be "Souffle Girl and her silly sidekick in the blue box". This became septic throughout the first year of Capaldi's run, an actor who got done dirtier than Sylvester McCoy and died completely with "Kill the Moon". An episode so bad that it replaces "Jump the Shark" as the moment anything goes too far.

As far as I am concerned, nothing written after the departure of the Ponds is canon anymore and I would love to see a reboot of the show 5 years after the poison of the current BBC culture has been lanced and purged.

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It's not a phobic when the majority of the population doesn't want to watch something they have no interest in. If the LGBT hovers around 7% then the ratings will continue to drop to meet the limited demand out of that 7% pool of people. The producers have only themselves to blame for killing it.

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