Sales indicators show that the new 2024 edition of Dungeons & Dragons is not performing nearly as well as its predecessors, as it appears Wizards of the Coast and Hasbro have turned off the tabletop RPG’s core fan base.
"includes content removing terms like “race” in exchange for “species”"
In all fairness, this is more accurate in a lot of cases. It's downright nuts how 40k and other IPs use the term 'race' to refer to beings as disparate as Necrons and Humans. Unless Necrons and humans are having babies together, they are not different 'races'.
In DnD it might be more nuanced since orcs and humans can interbreed, but clearly the term 'race' is terribly inaccurate in a lot of settings.
"includes content removing terms like “race” in exchange for “species”"
In all fairness, this is more accurate in a lot of cases. It's downright nuts how 40k and other IPs use the term 'race' to refer to beings as disparate as Necrons and Humans. Unless Necrons and humans are having babies together, they are not different 'races'.
In DnD it might be more nuanced since orcs and humans can interbreed, but clearly the term 'race' is terribly inaccurate in a lot of settings.
MOVE OVER CHUDS!! All the black folxs and women of color coming to replace you dudebros any minute now!!
I think WoTC is trying to kill the tabletop version so they can make video games.