Hello. Paul Weimer here.

There is a LOT to dispute in your accounts of me here but fisking it all is a lost cause. You WANT to hate me; any attempts by me making arguments against all of this would be worthless effort. I will just ask a question instead: Have you ever read any of my reviews of Howard's work (going all the way back to The Desert of Souls)? Know of my friendship with him? (hell, we've been chatting about Hanuvar for years) . My guess is that you do not.

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Paul we just want the woke out of science fiction and far away from Baen Books especially. It's not personal with you other than you're part of the evil establishment of ticket takers propping up a clout structure which harms the genre. The only personal hatred is you against me for calling this out for the last decade. I remember your original chiming in to help rile up hate just because I said a convention should be about sci-fi and not about politics.

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. I remember your original chiming in to help rile up hate

And do you remember at the early days of the Puppies, when I went on podcasts, and blogposts, trying to find common ground? That I tried to reconcile my love of old science fiction with the new again and again and AGAIN? And what I got for my pains and my efforts to try and bridge the divide was Brad Torgersen accusing me of wanting to put him into a Boxcar? (and that just for openers). Sarah Hoyt banning me from her blog. And on and on. Every olive branch I offered was burned to ashes.

It spoils your narrative, I know, but all of that happened too.

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I will, against my best interests, act like you're in good faith here. I don't trust you at all because I think the second a woke SFWA person goes reeeeee you'll just turn on me, but that said: would you like to try to bury the hatchet if you're earnest? Unblock me on Twitter and DM me. I'll listen.

Brad and Sarah suck. We have that in common.

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That's what I thought.

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Still doesn't change the fact that your name is cancer to a lot of Baen's audience and would do more harm than good to the promotion of the book.

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Weimer going full Weimar

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What a creepazoid. lol

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I dunno, could be a bit of reverse trolling, putting him up as praising a Baen book. But possibly not the best venue to do it.

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Great PSA, thanks

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The only serial troll here is you. Also, did it ever occur to you that the reason Baen put Paul's quote on the cover is that they are trying to reach out to an audience beyond their hardcore readership, an audience that the behaviour of a handful of Baen authors and fans pushed away. Because the Hanuvar books are excellent and deserve a wider readership than some hardcore Baen stans.

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