Aug 16Liked by Fandom Pulse

Mr. Eichenlaub, if you truly believe in ethics and transparency, it's time to open the books. SFWA has been awash in malfeasance under the stewardship of Cat Rambo, Mary Three Names, and Jeffe Kennedy. For example, over $100k in members' dues were siphoned off to a frivolous lawsuit (Patrick Tomlinson vs John Does 1-60). If you want to fix SFWA, come clean and tell the truth and stop hiding behind lawyers and NDAs.

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16Liked by Fandom Pulse

Gee, I wonder if illegally gifting Patrick S. Tomlinson over $100,000 of members dues so he could try to sue (and fail spectacularly) an Internet forum for saying his books suck might have some legal ramifications? 🤔

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I need marshmallows and popcorn.

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Aug 16Liked by Fandom Pulse

Patrick S. Tomlinson is the reason the SFWA is in collapse. Guaranteed. He's fat too.

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Aug 16Liked by Fandom Pulse

"Accessibility" is a vague terms that covers ADA to trans-issue-of-the-day.

Why a BoD member who is Vice President had to write an RFP for an updated website, and not the info technology committee, is another awkward question. That's a full leadership and mgt meltdown.

They're out of miracles. Have fun storming the castle!

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Makes you wonder how Poul Anderson and Damon Knight were able to act as SFWA president and have an actual writing career.

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100K of membership dues were flushed down the toilet, for Patrick S Tomlinson’s frivolous lawsuit, without any input from members. How much more money has been stolen from members? What else are they hiding?

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Aug 16·edited Aug 16

SWFA funded Sci Fi author Patrick S Tomlinson’s frivolous lawsuit against an Internet forum. Patrick sued the forum owner because is forum essentially made fun of him for being rotund. Pat is very sensitive about his weight and will threaten lawsuits and prison time to any anonymous internet user who points and laughs at Patrick’s tubby belly, double chin and moobs. Of course, SWFA had to fund such a ridiculous lawsuit and of course Tomlinson ended up losing the case where he eventually owed the owner of the forum $83,000 in fees (due to the nature of his frivolous lawsuit and his unwillingness to pay which almost resulted in a contempt of court charge). SWFA’s funding of a frivolous lawsuit and its non disclosure of such funding seems unethical to its members. It’s possible the Tomlinson case might be the reason SWFA finds themselves in legal trouble today.

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