Jun 19Liked by Fandom Pulse

There isn't really logic to it, just the twist of the gut worms, hatred of the more whole and the crack of their demonic masters' whips.

Late stage evil, usefulness is mostly used up, now all that is left before death is becoming an ever more ridiculous living mockery.

The black rider doesn't just throw from his horse, he strips them and hits them with his crop too.

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Jun 19·edited Jun 19

Well put. One ignores the spiritual aspect of it all at one's peril. Below someone commented that, because this effectively pornography in space, FP shouldn't stoop to cover it. I disagree. Consumer warnings are important, especially for parents who might assume current Star Wars is innocuous. Thankfully, there is evidence of increasing wariness and normies asking questions. "Why has my food bill tripled, and why does all my entertainment suck?"

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Jun 19Liked by Fandom Pulse

Some are trying to gaslight people with "Well, it's an alien, so [something, something, CONSOOM!]"

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Glad I’m not watching this shit. I’ve given up on the Boys season 4 too. This season is just awful imo.

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Even if the author is a fan of the sci-fi genre and the historical Star Wars franchise, I wouldn't expect a review of the dialogue from some GAY PORNO parody set in outer space with light sabers.

Whether or not GAY PORNO is popular to watch on television, it does not really merit reporting from an ostensibly non-radical medium.

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