This could be either straight up lying to damage control, or this clown isn't aware that diversity hires like her don't need Blackrock or the Government to order them to put woke slop in the games - they will do it on their own.

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It's oh so typical that DEI directives "OMG WTF, totes don't even exist" and yet getting rid of them is also the most evilest thing ever.

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That is a very ugly game with bad looking characters. Why do leftists want everything to be ugly like them?

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Fortunately the overlap between "game 'devs' who gaslight you" and "game devs who make garbage games" is almost 100%. So no action needed, other than popping more popcorn.

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People know now. This won't help your cause by denying it now... you embraced it. You championed it. You discriminated against whites for it. NOW you want to hide it?

Too late. Own it. Stop gaslighting.

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This is a rare case of a 'True-Believer'. She didn't have to take any bribes because to her 'Diversity and Inclusion' are the Morally righteous thing to propagate to the masses.// She'd do it for free, handing out pamplets about intersectional-feminism in the rain outside a train-station just so she can 'spread the good word'.

These are the people you REALLY have to watch out for, the ones that are too stupid to realize they have even been brainwashed. Scary.

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You know, when the Nazis lost the war, suddenly a whole lot of True Believers suddenly discovered that they totally weren't, like, involved in any of that nasty stuff, which really never existed anyway.

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