Oliver is the poster child for annoying. Who what he thinks?

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It’s really fascinating to me when I read about “resistance”. To what? Please- keep sending social security checks to the dead people? Keep violent illegals in our communities? Finance foreign newspapers and governments? Why resist that? And what a novel idea that no administration has done before- let’s look at where the financing goes. Kinda like balancing a checkbook. You’d think there were firing squads roaming the countryside

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Bannon is right and a great general in the culture war. Clowns like Oliver can only screech to their braindead audience.

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I'm pretty sure Zazu is the voice of John Oliver actually.

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HE'S a Fucking Idiot, doing the Work FOR Fucking Idiots, who are happy taking the hard earned money from Fucking Idiots to STOP the American People from finding out where there Taxes have gone under Far-Left Democrat Government. They can't stand Trump is draining their swamps, and uncovering the Celebrities, Media, and Corrupt Local Federal Workers bought and paid for by the Chinese, by Pharmaceuticals, and others of high-fortunes-low-morals exploting the Ilegals in the country for less than minimal wage. You don't have to be Right, Left, or Centric to see that, and they are shit scared because of it!

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