What he calls "oppressed women fanfic" I call feminist fantasy. It's where 100 lb women toss around 200lb men without having any supernatural or extraterrestrial origins to explain this unrealistic strength. Even highly trained women in the military and the intel agencies can't toss around me twice their size.

Sadly a majority of women in the Millennials generation and younger have been poisoned by feminist ideology and they genuinely believe they don't need men and are boss babes who destroy men. Yet if you removed all the special/preferential treatment and programs in place to give women an edge over male competitors they'd throw a fit and call it misogyny.

I find it interesting than in most of the stories we find it is women, feminist women, involved in the decision making process. This is what happens when hiring is based on ones race or sex instead of their skills and knowledge. The women who helped with the UNCHARTED games is proof that the industry did employ at one time women who knew what they were doing. Since the woke wars started we've seen an uptick in the number of people hired because of Diversity and it is going to destroy the industry if it doesn't stop. No amount of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion is going to save an industry dead set on preaching to it;s customer base instead of providing what those customers want.

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"What woke activist in gaming hasn't proclaimed that their work is going to be amazing only to have it then fail and sometimes epically? It's equal to the number of executives who told the truth about mass layoffs ahead of the planned layoff. It's equal the number of times a politician has been honest about what they plan to do. In other words, zero to rare.

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The second you start censoring what people believe in, you are evil and wrong, and you are afraid of what people might say and the TRUTH, this leftist behavior will only bring War and Death in the future, they hate Men, they hate white people, they hate anybody that is normal or believe in their religion.

They force disgusting ideas, and when people defend their values, they attack them like rabid dogs with all kinds of meaningless name-calling.

The War is coming people, fight for freedom, Its called freedom because it won't agree with you, not freedom for me and not you, or as we call it the Fascist and Communist approach.

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